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    A detachment of 150 mounted men and a pom-pom under Lt-Col Monro set off on 10 April from Dewetsdorp in pursuit of a Boer commando.


    After a 3 hour chase the enemy was found, l outspanned near some farm buildings and protected by a large donga in front of them. However, the surrounding kopjes were within rifle range and were speedily occupied by Monro’s men.


    A hot fight ensued with a large party of Boers in the donga and a smaller number in the farm buildings, but when the British charged the donga from both flanks, 53 burghers surrendered. The Boers in the farm buildings kept up their fire in spite of the capitulation of their comrades before their eyes. 

    Monro, seeing Boers approaching on the horizon, decided to try negotiation to make a speedy end to the skirmish and he sent in Lt Shott of Bethunes Mtd Infy (who had earlier initiated the assault on the donga) unarmed and with only a white handkerchief to the farmhouses.


    Shott eventually persuaded the defenders to yield and Monro returned to Dewetsdorp with the Boer convoy and 83 prisoners. 
    Official History, Vol IV, p162.
    (Dates of 9 and 11 April are attributed to the incident in contemporary sources).

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