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    On 22 April 22 two hundred men of the 8th M.I. were escorting a supply convoy from Cyferkuil to Klerksdorp when it was attacked on Reebokfontein Farm by 700 of De la Rey’s burghers.


    During the fight Lieutenant Percy Goodwyn, who was in command of the left flank guard, saw sixty Boers making for a kopje which commanded the position from which the British guns were firing.


    Gathering ten of his men, he raced the enemy for the top of the hill. As the East Lancashires galloped for the kopje, Corporal Connery received five wounds, and his horse was hit twice, but still he rode on.


    Both sides arrived simultaneously, and, although overwhelmed by numbers, Goodwyn and his men maintained their position long enough for the guns to withdraw. 

    The Boers massed 180 men against the little band, who were eventually rushed with the loss of two killed, three wounded and the remainder taken prisoners, but not before Private Burrows had collected rifle bolts from the casualties and thrown them away to prevent the enemy getting them.


    For gallantry on this occasion, Lieutenant Goodwyn was awarded the DSO and Corporal Connery and Private Burrows were Mentioned in Despatches and received Special Promotion from Lord Kitchener for Distinguished Conduct in the Field.
    Red Roses on the Veldt, p277.

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