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    At 4am on 1 June 1901 Commandant Gideon Scheepers with 100 men, mainly Cape Rebels, attacked Willowmore from the east, north and south-west. By 5.45 am at least 7 of the outlying defensive posts, manned by the Willowmore Native Contingent, were overrun with six of the defenders and one rebel killed.


    However, the defenders in the town itself rallied: Capt Curry with the Willowmore Railway Contingent checked the attack from the east and the Town Guard succeeded in retaking 5 of the posts. 

    At 7.30 am Lt van der Hoven of the Town Guard led a small party of the Native Contingent down the riverbed to a position commanding the other two posts.


    The Boers started faltering at the determined resistance and by 11 am Scheepers and his men had retreated towards Aberdeen Road.
    Gideon Scheepers: Shearing


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