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    Lord Kitchener in his despatch of 8th September 1901, dealing with operations in the Eastern Transvaal, stated:
    “On 17th August a force of the South African Constabulary and Morley’s Scouts which had been patrolling under Captain Wood, SAC, in front of the Constabulary posts to the south of Bronkhorst Spruit Station, unexpectedly came upon and attacked a greatly superior Boer force which was halted at Middelburg, 23 miles south of the railway. 

    The enemy, who were subsequently reported to have numbered 800, were completely surprised by the sudden rush of our men. Twenty-three Boers were killed, 11 were taken prisoners, a large number were wounded, and all their horses stampeded.


    Our success, however, was rather short-lived. Discovering that the force by which they had been attacked was a small one, the enemy rallied, assumed the offensive, and drove our men back after a hand-to hand fight in the direction of Bronkhorst Spruit.


    In the retirement the Boers were able to recover the 11 prisoners who had been taken from them and to capture 14 of our men, including Captain Morley of Morley’s Scouts, who was dangerously wounded. Our other casualties were 1 man killed and 5 men wounded.”

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