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    On 18 September a Boer laager was discovered at Vlakfontein, south of Sannaspos.


    A force of about 200 Officers and men (12th Company, Mounted Infantry and Bedford Mounted Infantry) under Capt H M Tufnell, Essex Rgt with 2 guns of “U” Battery, RHA, left Sannaspos to co-operate with a party of 30 SA Constabulary in making a raid on the laager.


    They were surrounded by a superior Boer force, and after fighting creditably for four hours they were compelled to surrender. 

    One Officer and 5 men were killed, and 24 men wounded while 6 Officers and 85 men were taken prisoners.

    The two guns were captured, a moral gain to the Boers out of all proportion to the actual value but were recovered on 2 October.


    Post-war the incident was considered to be of sufficient importance to be the subject of Special Account No 26 in WO 108/372 “SA Surrenders”: this covers the action in minute detail.

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