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    Early on the morning of 20 November 1901 Veldkornet Wynand Bezuidenhout and some 50 Cape Rebels moved along the lower slopes of Gatberg through the O’Dairn farm near Ugie, a town in the Eastern Cape at the southern foot of the Drakensberg.


    Capt Herbert Elliot with a number of white officers and 300 black soldiers of the East Griqualand Field Force (Native Contingent) and Qumbu Native Reserves were positioned in a defensive position at Gatberg Nek, alerted of the Rebels’ movements by Elliot’s black spies.

    Bezuidenhout’s Commando walked into the ambush at about 7h00 when they were met with a sharp barrage of Martini Henry and Snider rifle fire.


    After a short but intense skirmish the Rebels withdrew in a disorderly fashion, being driven up the mountainside. In the process they had to abandon 40 of their horses and pack animals and left behind the bodies of four young men (2 aged 19, one aged 17 and one only 15 years old).

    On the British side, Captain H W D Elliot and 6 black soldiers were killed. Captains Baxter and Everett were severely wounded and Captain Burmeister received a slight wound. The number of wounded black soldiers was not recorded. Captain Elliott’s father was Major Sir H G Elliott, Chief Magistrate of Tembuland and a former Crimean War officer.

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