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    “Covering the egregious siege of Tontelboschkolk was Louw, Maritz’s former confederate, and Doran, surprising him on his last day’s march towards the post, scattered the commando and took nine prisoners.”
    “Official History”, Vol V, Grant p363.


    Eben Nel in “Die Kaapse Rebelle van die Hantam-Karoo” covers the incident in great detail. The Boers were blissfully unaware of the proximity of Doran’s column. Some 30 horses were grazing in the wheat fields with a number of youngsters, the majority unarmed, were looking after them.


    At approximately 10 am, when Louw and his mounted men were about to leave on patrol, the British charged. The Boers managed to charge through the British line and escaped but had to leave the horse guards and some 30 horses behind.


    Vice, the Intelligence Agent at Calvinia, reported on 18 December 1901: “…At Leeuwendrift Johannes Loubser of Wilgenbosch, a Calvinia Rebel, was dangerously wounded on 9th by Col Doran’s Column. He will probably not recover. 7 prisoners were also captured….”


    The 14-year-old Loubser did not survive and died on 17 December. However, he managed to make a declaration under oath on 16 December, detailing what happened when the 8 horse guards, riding bareback,  tried to evade capture.


    He was forced off his horse by an “Engilsman” and stood unarmed with raised hands. His captor robbed him of his knife and other items and then shot him. As he lay on the ground, he heard the man re-loading, but was not shot again. The next afternoon he managed to start walking, looking for help. 

    He reached De Puts on 12 December and on 14 December managed to send a messenger to Mr van der Merwe of Brandwacht who was the member of the Legislative Assembly for Calvinia.


    Van der Merwe sent a carriage to bring Loubser to Brandwacht and took his declaration, which is still in the Calvinia Museum.

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