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    The “Particulars” for Sgt Edward Haynes’ Mention in Despatches: London Gazette of 18 July 1902, p4601: 


    “For gallantry under heavy fire at close range, on 29th January, 1902, at Sweethome, Orange River Colony”.


    Fortunately, Major General Charles E Knox gave a more detailed account of the event when he forwarded Haynes’ name “for good service” (WO108/141). “For running out from a place of safety to restrain some of the enemy from firing on the late Pte Tucker, 2/Royal West Kent Regt.


    Who, not having heard or understood an order to hands-up, had fired at a party of Boers who had surrounded Major Lawless, R.A.M.C. Sergt. Haynes was heavily fired at at a range of considerably under 50 yards.”


    Sweethome is a farm some 15 km north of the village of Hertzogville.


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