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    The action at Gruisfontein, when the whole of Commandant Sarel Albert’s commando was captured, was reported on and published in the London Gazette as follows in Lord Kitchener’s despatch of 8 February 1902:


    “During Major Leader’s advance he came upon and captured a Boer picket, from which he ascertained that General De la Rey had already moved his camp, but that Commandant Sarel Alberts’ laager was for that night at Gruisfontein, which he reached just before daybreak.

    Our men charged the enemy’s laager with great dash, the Scottish Horse taking the main share of the attack, and as most of the Boer horses had been stampeded by the fire of Major Leader’s pom pom, the gallantry of the attacking force was rewarded by an unusually large measure of success:


    7 Boers were killed, 132 prisoners taken, 11 of whom were wounded, together with 130 rifles, 2800 rounds of ammunition, and a large number of horses, mules, cattle, and waggons were taken. 

    Our casualties were 2 officers (Cpt I M’Kenzie and Lt W Tanner) and 6 men wounded, all belonging to the Scottish Horse”.

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