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    The 28th Battn Mtd Infy (3 companies of Warwickshire, Lancashire Fusiliers and Derbyshire Regiments) under Major Dowell were led in an ambush on Blesboklaagte near Klip River Station (west of Heidelberg).


    The 250 strong Boer force under Generals Alberts and Grobler heavily attacked the left flank, held by the Lancashire Fusiliers under Captain Challoner. 

    After about an hour’s fighting and losing a good many men wounded, the latter began to withdraw to their horses, about two miles away. However, they were galloped down and nearly all captured by the Boers, Captains Challenor and Le Marchant being wounded.


    The Derbyshire Company on their right held their position until the Warwickshire Company retired through them. They then retired, some of both companies being captured.


    The battalion had only just arrived from Malta and had no experience of either South Africa or of Boer tactics. 1 Officer and 11 men were killed, 6 Officers and 36 men were wounded and 6 Officers and 87 men (including the wounded) were taken prisoner. 
    WO 108/372 “South African


    The Boers lost 5 men killed and a number of men wounded. In his unpublished memoirs Veldkornet Kamffer of the Heidelberg Commando noted: “Andrew Brink and I then asked the wounded officers why they had not surrendered. They replied that they had been told that the Boers fought under a black flag and that there was no use in surrendering as they would be shot in any event.”

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