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    On 24 February 1902, a convoy heading for Klerksdorp bivouacked on the farm, Elandslaagte, between the Yzer and Jagd Spruits, 25km south-west of Klerksdorp.


    The convoy was escorted by 230 Imperial Yeomanry of the 5th Bn, 9th Bn and 10th Bn as well as regular soldiers, mounted infantry and artillery. 


    Early the following morning, the march resumed, with both the advance guard and the rear guard, including Yeomanry and infantry, covering the movement.


    Some 3km further on, 250 Boers under Gen Liebenberg attacked the front of the convoy, while Gen J Kemp, with 250 men, attacked its left flank. This assault was beaten off with artillery and rifle fire. A second attack was met with the same result. 

    A third assault, by Gen J G Celliers with 100 men, came from the rear, the Boers charging through the defensive ring of infantry. Some of Celliers’ men then attacked on the right flank, while Kemp renewed his attack.


    This broke the outer defensive ring and, shortly afterwards, resistance collapsed on every side. 


    The wagons were stampeded towards the Jagd Spruit, where they became stuck in the muddy waters of the stream and were captured. Some mounted infantry escaped to Klerksdorp, where the alarm was raised, and reinforcements gathered. They hurried to the scene, but, on arrival, confronted by Kemp and his men, they could only report back that the disaster had been complete. 


    British losses were 73 men killed or mortally wounded, 110 wounded, 270 taken prisoner. Thirty-two men of the Imperial Yeomanry lost their lives. Of greater importance for the Boers was the capture of 156 wagons, 1500 mules, four artillery pieces, 2000 rifles and half-a-million rounds of ammunition.


    The Boer casualties were twelve dead and 42 wounded.

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