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    “On the night of March 11, 1902, at Spion Kop near Van Wyk’s Rust, about 100 Boers attacked a post held by Sergeant Horace Saxby, a former member of Strathcona’s Horse, with some troopers of 1/A Troop.


    As the Boers advanced under the cover of heavy rain and mist about 11pm, Saxby had his men ready and lying down at their posts.


    When the alarm was given, they were able to beat back the first rush. A close-range fire fight went on for fifteen minutes, then the attackers retired to the foot of the kopje where the fort stands. Firing continued until about 4.30am when the Boers departed, having lost one man killed and two wounded.


    The South African Constabulary had no casualties. Captain Charles Rowe reported that Saxby and his sixteen men defended a position that he considered required a garrison of not less than fifty men.


    He credited Saxby’s constant presence, cheeriness, and movement from point to point for much of the success. Saxby and one man effectively defended the only road onto the kopje.”
    SAC Journal, Vol 1, No 1, page 6: made available by the late Mrs. Audrey Portman.

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