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    “On 8 April 1902 Commandant Nicko Groenewald came to me and asked for 50 men to collect mealies near Mapog’s old stadt.


    He also wanted to take the wagon and maxim in case of an attack by the tribesmen. I gave my approval. After while I became concerned…


    Near my camp was a rocky hill and I climbed to the top. This enabled me to see their destination, which was about 5 miles away, with my binoculars. Somewhat later I heard sounds of the maxim firing and then a man on horseback approached.


    I realised there must have been problems. It was Faan Abrahams and he said Comdt Groenewald had been killed. It was a great shock to me: he was my right hand, always faithful and brave.


    The whole commando mourned him. The tribesmen attacked them and after being shot back, they retreated into a cave. Commandant Groenewald, fearless as always, charged the cave where a tribesman shot and killed him.


    His men had major problems in retrieving his body.”
    Freely translated from “Oorlogsherinneringe (“War Memoirs”) of General Chris H Muller, p160-1.

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