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    “During the night of 20 April practically the last action of any importance took place at Moolman’s Spruit, near Brindisi, Brandwater Basin.


    A force of Imperial Yeomanry of the 1st Battalion, together with about forty mounted South Staffords, under the command of Major Perceval, R.A., was ambushed by a large force of Boers, and suffered heavy loss.


    The force left at night, with the object of attacking a farm in which a small party of Boers was reported to be sleeping. The enemy, however, had evidently received information of the intention…and had taken steps to considerably reinforce their numbers... 

    A tremendous fire was opened on the advancing troops who were endeavouring to take possession of the outbuildings round the farm.


    These, however, had been loopholed and the whole position barricaded and made well-nigh impregnable. Under these circumstances, the order was given to retire. 

    Had it not been for the fact that a large number of the Boer horses had been shot, Major Perceval's force would in all probability have been annihilated…


    Casualties were heavy and included Captain Sir Thomas Fowler, who was killed, Captain Blackwood mortally wounded, and who died before reaching camp, Lieutenant Rawes severely wounded, Captain Thain and Lieutenant Leonard slightly wounded, four rank and file killed, twelve wounded, and twenty-eight missing.


    This fight is remarkable as being not only the last severe engagement of the Eighth Division, but also the final action of any importance in the campaign.”

    Moffett - "With the Eighth Division” p214 
    According to the SAFF Casualty Roll the British losses amounted to 8 killed or died of wounds and 17 wounded.


    On the Boer side 2 Burghers were killed while a daughter of Andries Olivier, the owner of the farm, lost her hand when a rifle which she was loading for the men inside the house accidentally exploded.

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