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    Edwin Watkin “Ted” Hunt was born in January 1869 and was raised and educated in New South Wales, Australia.


    First going to South Africa ‘for a rest cure necessitated by a severe accident’, he eventually settled there in farming, becoming an Inspector of Government Stock Farms in the Western District.


    He was subsequently present at the defence of Mafeking, having sought refuge there on the outbreak of hostilities.


    For the remainder of the War he served variously as a Captain, attached to the 6th Imperial Bushmen, N.S.W. Contingent and in the Army Service Corps.


    Returning to Australia in 1901, Hunt later went back to South Africa and settled on a ranch in the Zoutpansberg district.


    Enlisting in the South African forces in January 1915, he commanded “Hunt’s Scouts” in the German South-West Africa operations of the same year, services that were eventually recognised by a D.S.O. and a ‘mention’. 


    Then re-enlisting in the 9th South African Horse in May 1916, as a Squadron Commander, and later Second-in-Command, he served with distinction in the East Africa operations, winning the M.C. for actions fought in August of the same year, in addition to another ‘mention’ in Smuts’ despatch of 22 November. Major Hunt became a farmer, was President of the South African Agricultural Union, member of the Transvaal Provincial Council, Union Parliament and Johannesburg Municipal Council.


    Hunt, who was discharged in March 1918, received the following message from Lieutenant-Colonel M.M. Hartigan, D.S.O., of “Hartigan’s Horse”, with whom he had shared in the trials and tribulations of active service:

    ‘You have in a marked degree all the qualifications necessary to command, and that inspiring “Tally-ho!” method of yours in action simply makes ‘em love the job, and once your squadron found that you would take them out of hell as easily as you let them in, I knew that I never need hesitate about the odds where you were concerned.


    The gift you have of being able to tell at a glance whether you can take mounted troops through thick country which you have never before seen is extraordinary, and I don’t think you would ever be “bushed”.


    When you were commanding the regiment during that drive down to Mahenga, I made a big call on your staying power and resource, and it was well for us I did.”


    ‘For distinguished service in the field in connection with the campaign in German South-West Africa 1914-15.’ 

    For conspicuous gallantry in action. He led his Squadron with great gallantry against 
    strongly held enemy positions. Later, with 40 men, he cut a way through dense forest and forced the enemy to retire.’



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