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    Found it :-)

    Cap badge of the Cameronians 2nd Bat Scottish Rifles


    Not true Cameronians badge has a bugle in it but this surmounted by a star surrounded by a wreath.

    This badge is described so: On 1st July 1881, the 53rd Shropshire Regt and the 85th King's Light Infantry ... Light Infantry (KSLI);

    the Shropshire Militia became the 3rd Special Reserve (S R)

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    Thanks for the discussion guys can anyone give me an authority or reference to look up this badge I want to sell it on but would like to be sure of my facts I have various reference books ie Kipling and King, thanks for your help


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    I use Wikepedia for info. Look up wiki and ebay for Light infantry.

    My guess is that you would get about 10 GBP at the most.

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    thanks for the info Borderer were you by chance KOSB? and by greater chance in Berlin in 1972/3? I was with A sqdn 4RTR in Smuts barracks attached to KSOB medical centre

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    I was in Berlin with KOSB in Brooke Bks from 1959 - 1961, then Einburgh, Aden before demob in 1964. Worked from 1965 with the Air Force at Gatow

    until the station closed in 1994. Still live on the base

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    Hi, Smuts is still there including the Shilton, which is now a Restuarant. Many of the buildings are used by small firms, Spandau prison was knocked down and a new building for naafi and scvs built, in 1994 the buildings were taken over by a supermarket chain and a eectronics and media shop.

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    This badge is of "the scottish rifles" worn by the second battalion the cameronians ,(the old 90th perthshire), the 1st batt.wore the mullet star ,bugle and laurel wreath in thistles around.

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