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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Tony

    1. Here you go: Auf Befehl Sr. Kaiserlichen und Koeniglichen Hoheit des Kronprinzen ist dem ....... unterm 2.5.1916 das Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse verliehen, worueber gemaess Verfuegung des Kommandeurs der Eisenbahn Truppen bei der 5. Armee Io Nr. 4332 vom 7.5.16 dieser vorlaeufige Ausweis ausgestellt wird. Sofia den 14.5.16
    2. Yes please, if you know. I'm sort of thinking Flanders what with Messines and Passchendaele but you can win an award for doing a daring deed during normal trench duties/raids etc.
    3. Hello, Has anyone seen one of these tins before? Can it be dated and were they actually used by soldiers or did a needle and cotton manufacturer just happen to call his product Deutsches Armee Naehzeug? All thoughts are very much appreciated. Tony
    4. It could be a made up group mounted by a collector or perhaps if the ribbons weren't overlapping they might fit on the bar meaning the bar is complete. Can the seller not read the recipient's name, number and rank because he doesn't own a magnifying glass or because it's been partially erased? In my opinion that's something you need to know before spending and money on it. Tony
    5. Here’s the second one, awarded to Otto Hahndorf of Eisenbahn Bau Komp. 40 for something he did at Verdun. Any idea where they were in the Verdun area? I also have Otto’s vorlaeufige Ausweis, certificate for a wound badge in black and Hindenburg cross certificate. The vorlaeufige Ausweis mentions the date 2/5/16 but is signed by the Komp. Fuehrer and dated Sofia 14/5/16. I’m assuming whatever he did was done on 2/5/16 as per the date of the vorlaeufige Ausweis so, what might he have done, were they used as fighting troops or laying railway lines for supplies? Sofia isn’t that close to Verdun so unless he was attached to another unit I’m confused. Tony
    6. Today I came across some Iron Cross paperwork I thought I’d put away in a secret place never to be found again but luckily my searching skills are far better than my memory. The first one is for Pionier Pook of Minenwerfer Komp. 50. As the award certificate is dated 3/8/17 im Felde does it mean that that's the date he did his deed to receive the EKII or is it just the date of receipt? Does anyone know where Pioneer Ernst Pook and his crew may have been in July/August 1917? He also received a wound badge in black but without his Soldbuch I’ll probably never know where or when he was wounded. Tony
    7. I have a few records from WWI that I play on my gramophone. My favourites are Row Row Row (all the rage in summer 1914 so I was told) and the other side has It's a Long Way to Tipperary, If You Were the Only Girl and Gilbert the Filbert are also favs of mine. These records are heavy and a good 3mm thick. Tony
    8. Was it the film that came out the other year with the wizard bloke playing John (Jack) Kiplin? I saw it on the TV two or three years ago. I remember now, it was the Harry Potter actor who played Kiplin's son Jack. I quite enjoyed it. Tony
    9. I see what you mean. That Dannevoux postcard on the site - was that where we went to the flea market? If so, it hasn't changed much from what I can remember.
    10. Is that cover original? If so what's it made of and is it US issue?
    11. That's very nice indeed. Did anyone see this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ww1-relic-pickelhaube-with-bullet-embedded-battle-demaged-german-helmet-trench-/131097682702?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT&nma=true&si=RznB7MzNnnnEqBnXUPrB%252B4tRd4s%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc I was thinking of bidding on it but it sold for far more than I was prepared to spend. Tony
    12. Kev, If you have original medals you can always pass the on to whoever is searching for that particular name and who knows, maybe you'll reunite a split group one day. The SWB is a good thing to collect especially with the record of issue to the British army and navy being online. Yes RN is the prefix for Royal Navy but keep an eye out for I (India), NF (Newfoundland), O (British army I think) and the Mercantile Marine prefix which I can't remember at the mo. More common are RAF, A (Australia), C (Canada), NZ (New Zealand), and SA (South Africa) I'll keep a look out for your grandfather's ASC Badge. Tony
    13. Kev, I don’t search lists or ebay on a daily basis for SWBs, if I do find B24317 and RN43673 it’ll be more luck than anything else. About 2 years ago I bought a certificate for the SWB to a Royal Marine, last year I saw his BWM and VM but I’m still missing his badge (RN43673) to complete the reunite. As for my great grandfather’s SWB (B24317) well, it probably went missing the same time as his QSA but I haven’t given up yet, at least I have his BWM. Tony
    14. Don't know if this is any help or if you know the site already but it might be worth having a look http://www.rlcarchive.org/Welcome.aspx Tony
    15. I've seen at least 3 of these on ebay Germany and UK in as many weeks, never seen them before that. Tony
    16. Welcome to the forum Kev. I'm afraid I can't answer your question but have you applied for his service record? It might take a while to arrive however, it could answer your questions. The T prefix was for Horse Transport (I believe) during the Great War. Tony
    17. I don't know what it is but it looks like a poor quality version the British coat of arms, shouldn't the lion be wearing a crown? Check out your local court house, they usually still have the British coat of arms up on an outside wall.
    18. Ok I'll get it posted before the end of the year. I also have one to a trench mortar bloke I think but I can't find it.
    19. Thanks for the quick reply. I've spent a lot of time walking around Sailly Saillisel (where I found many interesting bits and bobs in the fields) and Ypres. I wonder if the EK was awarded for an action during 3rd Ypres or Lorraine? I don't suppose I'll ever know.
    20. I've been going through some of my collection and have things I no longer know why or where I bought them. Today I found an EKII certificate, nothing special, just a standard vorlaeufiger ausweis but I was wondering if anyone might know where the following unit may have been in 1917. 2 battalion, 3 Bavarian Ersatz Inf. Regt. The certificate is dated 24/9/17 Was there a standard length of time between being recommended for the iron cross and receipt of a certificate? Thanks Tony
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