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    Status Replies posted by kapten_windu

    1. Just finishing my degree project and then I will be done with it..yehaaaaaaa

    2. Why is that when there's a restriction on your collecting budget that you see so many things that you want and just know you may never see again?

    3. 4 hours again, and i'll be 19 years old, but now i'm alone in dorm, studying for mid-term exam for accounting next week..lol

    4. Thinking about fall

      1. kapten_windu


        there's no autumn in my country, just rain and dry season..

      2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

    5. My-My: How time flies. Leaving for the SECOND leg of our vacation. Going to Texas for another two weeks then 4 days to home. Son and I hit a few antique stores, but (sadly) nothing purchased. More opportunities ahead :-)

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