This badge is about the victory of the Nazi-party in the Saar-territory in 1935.
Saarland went "Heim ins Reich", return to Germany.
In the centre the symbols for Saarland industry; coalmining, iron and steel ,the crossed hammers.
and symbol for agriculure-wine, the grapes.
Text around "Saarabstimmung 13.1.1935"; "Saar election 13.1.1935"
Text in the centre: "Bund der Saarpfalz-vereine" ; "Union of the Saarpfalz associations".
On the backside;
Ent(wurf)( design); A. Bernd Jr.
Ausf(?hrung)( production ); F. Mannheim
K(aisers)lautern (city)
for who is interested in more about the history of the Saarpfalz......