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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. These badges are quite controversial, some believe them to be a total fantasy item, others that they are exceptionally rare & that most found for sale are fake. Dealers certainly ask a high price for them......

      As for myself, I believe that they did exist during the period, as a picture of a manufacturer's sample board in Angolia's book "Belt buckles & Brocades of the Third Reich" shown on page 40 clearly shows an example attached (this of course assumes that the board was not put together post war).

      However as to which ones are genuine I'm not yet so sure. They seem to come with two types of pin fixing. The type shown here, pus a bar type (of which I do not yet have an image to show). There is no doubt that fakes exist, & many of these are poorly made, bad definition of the star etc.

      For now here's my one which I found being sold for a reasonable price which is the only reason I took the chance.

      Anyone else have one?



    2. Anybody know what this says, all I get from translation sites is

      Lowest-Irish craftsman match... Lowest-Irish???

      Some great tinnies as usual Peter.

      Regarding your question about "Untersteirischer". From what I undersatnd Styria is/was an area of Austria close to the Yugoslavian border. Under German occupation the area became a Gau called "Steiermark". Following the German invasion of Yugoslavia the small area adjacent to Steiermark made up of a large proportion of Volksdeutsche was absorbed into this Gau & the region named "Untersteiermark", the population of this area were the Untersteirisher. This link will show some items from the combined defence force http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=4330

      (It would be nice if you would be kind enough to post that tinnie there as well, thanks)

      Hope this helps.


    3. Sorry about the spelling. US keyboard..................

      PS Don Your keyboard must have German letters. Is it some kind of international keyboard you have. Sorry for being such a doomyahn (phonetical spelling)


      They are known as special characters, & each letter has a specific number code. To type it hold down the alt key, ie the key next to the space bar, and use the number keys on the right of your keyboard. Make sure that Num Lock, ie the top left key, is on. If you use a laptop, then you will have to buy an additional USB numerical keypad to be able to use them.

      Here are a few codes that you may find useful:

      • ? alt+225

      • ? alt+132

      • ? alt+148

      • ? alt+129

      • ? alt+155

      • ? alt+130

      • ? alt+142

      • ? alt+153

      • ? alt+154



    4. Nice badge Robert. I've been asking myself the same question re the notch as well....... Joe is correct about the GG mark, there are accepted instances where a stamped marke is OK, this nbeing one of them.

      Here's my 25, the eagle is a little off centre on this one. I've been chasing a 40 for a while, I've almost caught it, just a little way to go......






    5. There's no real reference that I know of Joe but I can tell you that the 3D's (& also the standard type) can be found with a red centre & a black centre as well as the blue shown here. It's rumoured that there should be a yellow as well but I've never seen one.

      There is also a standard type with a gold wreath (like a Gold Party Badge), but it's unknown as to what it was for.



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