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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. This is for Francois, I never knew what Organization this stickpin was for. Then last week I was on a website that had some Silverware that had this Insignia on it. It stated that the Organization represented was the German Christian Organization. I had never heard of it, have any of you? Stormtrooper

      I'm afraid that if the symbol on the Silverware is exactly the same as your pin then the website is incorrect.

      This pin is for the Bund Deutscher Osten, one of the pro nationalist organisations prevalent at the time. If it had been for the Deutsche Christen the there would be a letter "D" & a letter "C" either side of the cross & it would not be in a shield.



    2. Yes Nick, the same principle as with the SS/FM, monthly contributions would be made to help fund the organisation.

      A nice find, these only rarely turn up, & even less with the translucent orange/red enamel as seen here, more often they have a heavier opaque enamel shield. I much prefer these translucent versions. As an interesting side note, these translucent types often have offset pin mountings (including the pinbacks types), no idea why.



    3. Thanks Pete.

      Here you go Joe.

      From what I understand the DAF were also involved in the area of real estate "Siedlungshilfswerk" or "Wohnungshilfswerk" of the "Reichsheimst?ttenamt", so they built houses and complete villages (Germ. "Siedlungen" "D?rfer" & not only in the occupied terretories, but also in the Reich itself). These houses were sometimes fitted with these "Siedlerm?bel" if not, people could buy it. They were "practical and cheap for the German worker". The plate indicates that the furniture (tables, chairs etc.) were produced in regulations to the DAF. We had a similar system here in the UK during the war (& for many years after) it was known as a utility mark.

      From what I understand these little plates are very hard to come by now.

    4. Thank you Gentlemen.


      The blue badge is Betriebssportgemeinschaft adler. Adler were one of the car manufacturers I believe. The yacht badge is for MS Wilhelm Gustloff. The DAF tinnie you enquire about is more a plaque than badge, it seems to be a plate that was attached to the furniture issued to people who were resettled/re-homed, it has prongs on it's edge that were bent back so that the plate could be hammered into plece...... I'll scan it tomorrow.


      Here you go.

    5. Thank you Gentlemen.

      I know the tinnie you mean Richard, I saw it a few times when I was looking for the Sachsen one. As to the scanner, I use an Epson Perfection 1670, the software that came with it is very good. I scan at 1200 dpi & then use PaintShop pro to resize down to posting size.

      I'm not a tech guy Richard, but it sounds as if the memory that your machine uses to store info while it scans isn't large enough to transfer the image. Ask in the tech area of the forum here http://gmic.co.uk/index.php?showforum=158 , someone with better knowledge may be able to help.



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