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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. I don't think the answer is that simple.

      If the prongs had been removed, then going by the finish on the pin & catch plates the badge must have been repainted after the event as the colour matches too well. The scratches & removed paint wouldn't be caused by that.

      Looking at the front, it could just be the lighting, but the base of the badge does look as though it was painted after the addition of the eagle as it looks to have been painted around.

      If you get it for a look, see if there are any signs of how the eagle is attached & whether there are any remnants on the reverse of the eagle showing that there were any attachment devices on that. If it was a factory made piece I would not expect to see any leftovers of prongs or pin plate on the eagle as a fresh one would be used.

    2. Who it is from makes no difference, I've bought good items from unreliable people & bad items from reliable ones...... However this piece has been playing on my mind all afternoon, I think it would have to be an "in hand inspection".

      There was a cloth cap badge which was similar design to this, I've never seen it in metal. I would expect it to have prongs, but then again I've seen cap badges with pins (the NSKOV is a prime example of one found with either) so...... What does worry me is the quality/condition of the reverse.

      Here are a couple of crops showing the cloth badge I'm thinking of.







    3. To throw more fuel onto the fire, the manufacturer used on the cheap fakes available from the usuall copy specialists is also F&R.... Although I would hope that this appauling badge would not fool many, although I do know that it has.

      Everything on Gods Earth is wrong with this badge however it is interesting to note a few points. On the reverse, a ring for the pinplate but no virtical guides top & bottom, & the base of the badge is far too oval. On the obverse the use of definite pebbling under the green enamel & the best of all the spelling of Deutscher using an "o" instead of a "u"......... I'm not even going to mention the eagle. :banger:





    4. Frank & Reif badges worry me, your badge is the third variant I know of & I'm damn sure they didn't make so many that they needed to make fresh dies, but who knows......

      On my one above, as well as not having the round guide for the plate did you notice that the maker mark is on opposite sides? The name is on the right & town on the left.

      I have another variant which I shall post here with the same name positioning as yours but also without the round guide (unless they've used a larger plate & it's covering it). I really do not know what's going on with them. The lettering on the obverses all appear to be different as well.

      Here it is.







    5. Thought we'd try a thread on the 1st pattern DJV badge. If memory serves me correctly these badges were only in use for about one year before being replaced with the version without the "V".

      If you have one of these rare beasts please post it & see what makers & different dot patterns/Sig runes we have. Please only post badges with the "V" at the bottom.

      I'll start off with an simple Ges.Gesch marked one, lost virtually all of it's silvering.



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