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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. Some very nice badges & pins you have Alexey, thank you for posting them.

      There are one or two that would worry me, the Frauenschaft in post # 22 for instance, the outside circle of the RZM should be closed. And the Party badge in post 28, I'm never happy with just an RZM mark & Ges.Gesch, however, that is just my opinion. On the whole some lovely pieces.

      You could post some of these in the threads that have already been started if you wish. The RLB in post #27 has a dedicated thread as do the RAD in post #24 & RDK in post #6. If you wish I can transfer them out of this thread or you can post them again there yourself.



    2. Joe,

      Thanks for the offer, however I think it will be useful to leave it, unless you wish it removed. The proceeding posts explain that there could be questions raised with it, but until we know more I think it should remain as an example to be researched. I think the same goes with the Type II I showed, if as it seems they also should have the RADJ mark then these too are questionable. This two pins clearly show more research is needed.......



    3. I'm sorry but I would not be happy with this in my collection. It does not match any of the accepted designs of this badge. There may have been two makers, Wittmann as you mentioned, & Hoffst?tter, Bonn.

      Both makers designs are very similar, the crossed skis & Edelweis are made in one piece, not riveted together as this one is. Also, the H.J. rhombus should be enamelled not painted (remember this was pre war & intended as an award for leaders or instructors). Also, there should be two sets of attaching pins not one.



    4. The only reference that I can find to this is in Angolia's "Labour Organizations of the Reich":

      "Since the RAD was a national, rather than Party, organization it's uniforms and insignia were not subject to control by the Reichszeugmeisterei (RZM-National Supply Agency). They were, however, legally protected. Only authorized makers could supply the RAD. This authorization was indicated by a license or regestration mark (Zulassungseichen) depicted by an inverted triangle enclosing the letters FADJ and later RADJ with GES. to the left, and GESCH. to the right."

      So that implies anything other than this is incorrect...... This also poses the question as to the so called Type II badges/pins of which all that I've seen so far do not have the triangle at all, only the Ges. Gesch. Are these earlier than the Type I's thus too early for the mark (the original 1st design RADwJ brooch worn until 1937 never had such a mark) or are these fakes????? :unsure:



    5. Maybe we could start a thread on RAD to show all of the diferent makers and their design characteristics. Maybe start out with Arbeits Dank pin back...Arbeit Dank stick-pin both in red and yellow etc. etc. We could probably go a long way with a thread like that to include cap badges and other regalia. It would be a great learning experience for this still relatively inexpensive section of our hobby........ Robert

      You wish is my command Robert, I've started two threads & added their Icons on the database thread.



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