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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. BURGERHAUS said:

      And this was the organization that came after Don's example. The good propaganda minister manuevered and absorbed some other organizatioms including Dons to create the RKK? After this point of integration Herr Rosenberg's influence was reduced? If memory serves. Nice pin by the way..................................

      Were the later examples RZM marked would you know? I am not going to hold my breath but maybe another member would have an example with an RZM mark. Thank you for showing. Have a nice weekend. Robert


      I'm not really sure what the connection was between these groups was. Rosenberg's KfdK was combined with the Reichsbund deutsche B?hne (the National Association of German Theatres) forming the NS Kulturgemeinde (NSKG) in 1934. However, by this time the DAF had already established the Strength Through Joy movement & from what I understand Ley didn't get on with Rosenburg & as you correctly stated, he was edges out. In 1937 the NSKG was fully absorbed into the KdF. But how this connects with the Reichskulturkammer I don't know as the two were in existance at the same time, perhaps Stephen can help?

      So in answer to you question the badge that followed the KfdK I showed earlier was this one for the NSKG...


      In answer to your second question, I have never seen an RKK with an RZM mark.





    2. I haven't one yet as I've never been sure of which type is correct.

      However what I do notice from both Joe's & Robert's (the angle is wrong on Pat's to see clearly) is that the pin plate is the same type, very slightly oval. Perhaps this could show that at the very least they came from the same source even if the fonts are different.



    3. Nice looking badge you have there Pat.

      This is one of those badges that is highly controversial as many enamel collectors believe that only this version shown above is original, & that any other style of reverse markings are copies......

      I'd be interested in what our fellow members views are on this subject, but please, let's keep it civil. The last discussion I remember about them got quite heated :P .



    4. Interesting pin Robert.

      You are correct in your comment about Freddy Rosenberg's involement with the KfdK. There seems to be quite a number of pinbacks of these floating about at the moment. All of the ones that I've seen have the same fault on the leg of the Swastika & the same distinctive pin plate. The design of the "hammer" & surrounding shape is also cruder & less defined than the stickpin. Joe & I have been having a discussion elsewhere as to whether these are originals or not. We haven't yet come to a conclusion.......



      Nice to see one of these DDAC's, they are hard to find.




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