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    Posts posted by Scowen

    1. Dear Don,

      Thank you for the interest. Actually the references to eagle type belong to the 50 pages or so that preceded this short essay when it was originally prepared and not to my other thread here. I thought posting the entire thing here would be too long. It deals with the pattern types that I have identified to date, is a bit esoteric, and perhaps of little general interest. If you would like I can work through it and post it here on the forum. I don't know how many other police cloth collectors are about to warrant takeing up forum space.


      William Unland

      Ahh, that explains why in a few places I started to get a little confused..... :blush: I thought it was my age :P

      Any further references would be well received I'm sure.

      Thanks again


    2. Indeed, it could well be in breach of the Trades Description Act here in the UK & it's equivalent under European law. Unless they have a clause anywhere (which I haven't seen), that states that the item supplied may not be the item pictured, they could end up in hot water. Stephen may know more (Gold Party Pin Guy).

      They did a similar thing to me a while back with a Kleing?rtner badge. The one pictured was maker marked Frank & Reif, but the badge supplied was a Poellath. They replied that they didn't have a F&R in stock, so I returned it. But yes, I lost postage on it. Incidentally, the one still pictured on the site is the F&R, they never replaced the image (although they did put the price up!)

      Good luck Robert (give 'em hell :angry: )



    3. Indeed that was quick.

      Unfortunately, this can be a common problem with dealers. They sometimes use stock images to list their items, or if they have several of the same, do not send out the pictured one.

      You have 3 options as far as I can see.

      1 Contact them & state that it was not the pictured one, ask if they have the one used in the picture & if so exchange it. If they don't have the original then you will need to decide whether to keep it or not.

      2 You have a right to return it for any reason for about a week (check the site for the exact time), so if you aren't happy return it & wait for another to turn up somewhere (this will happen as these aren't particularly rare, the box is, the coin isn't)

      3 If you are happy with it keep it.

      It's a real pain when this happens, but I'm afraid that is one of the pitfalls at least with these larger dealers you do have a return policy.



    4. Hi Klin,

      Firstly, let me welcome you to the forum, I hope that you will enjoy it here.

      It's never too late for this thread, in fact I hope that this one will grow enough to warrent a seperate area on the froum eventually :rolleyes:

      Nice piece you have there, I know someone here who would love one of those (are you out there JTW? :P )

      Thanks for showing it.



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