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    Everything posted by Dithmarscher

    1. Dave, I did find some information on the Metz German Imperial District with buildings built by the Kaiser. For example the railway station, the post office and so forth. The Temple Neuf was inaugurated in 1904 when my grandfather was garrisoned there. I found all this in a web site called French Moments www.frenchmoments.eu/metz-german-imperial-district/ However I did not find the actual area my grandfather was garrisoned at until your post. THANK YOU!!! I am making note of it and will put the Campus Bridoux on the list of places to visit. It does not matter that there would be no mention of the Dragoon there. Just knowing that was the spot my grandfather stayed will be enough for me. Thanks again! Greg Gertz
    2. I am hoping to visit Metz this fall. This is where my grandfather Hermann Gertz was garrisoned in 1904 while with the S-H Dragoon Nr. 13. Can anyone tell me if there is anything left there of the Dragoon that I could see? Thank you for any comments or suggestions. Greg Gertz
    3. Hallo Jens! Mein Deutsch ist sehr schlect. Sorry. Thank you very much for the links. I will check the links later today. I really appreciate your reply. If I find my Grandfather that would be wonderful. Then I would share my discovery with my cousins in Germany. Friendly Regards, Greg
    4. Sorry, I should have asked where I can purchase either of these books. I hope my current restricted status does not prevent anyone from giving me suggestions. Thanks. Greg Gertz
    5. Is it possible to get copies of these books? I am also researching the Schleswig-Holstein Dragoon No. 13. My Grandfather Hermann Gertz was part of this Calvary unit in 1904. We have his military stein indicating he was stationed in Metz. I also have 2 photos of my Grandfather in his military uniform. I would be very happy to find out about this unit at the time he was part of it. And if there are other photos of this unit when they were in Metz in 1904-1907. My Grandfather came to the United States in 1908. Thank you for any help or information you can give. Greg Gertz
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