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    Honorary Member
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    Everything posted by Stogieman

    1. Medalla "Eliseo Reyes" (I) What for? Two classes? Why? we need to know!
    2. Medalla "De la Amistad" Again, what is this one for?
    3. Medalla "Antonio Briones Montoto" (II) What for? Why Two classes? So much to learn...
    4. Distinci?n "Antero Regalado" Given by Asociaci?n Nacional de Agricultores Peque?os for service (long?, exemplary?)
    5. Distinci?n "Aracelio Iglesias" 25 Years of service in the Merchant Marine
    6. Distinci?n "F?lix Elmuza" The ribbon on Lukasz' site doesn't quite match.. background color is different. By the Decree Law 30, of 10 of December of 1979, the Council of State created the Distinction Felix Elmusa, the Maxima decoration that is granted to proposal of the Presidency of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, to the national journalists or foreign who have obtained merits for it, that is to say: 1. Outstanding professional work during fifteen or more years on watch. 2. To make important contributions to the media, with investigations and other works dedicated to the exercise of the profession or to their education, that have deserved him national and international prizes or recognitions. 3. To promote relations of friendship and collaboration between the Cuban UPEC and journalists with its colleagues and organizations of other countries. 4. To make in the outside an excellent journalistic work that reflects the reality of Cuba. 5. To have developed during years, from responsibilities in the State, the Government and the society, bonds in favor of the work of the press and the UPEC. The national Presidency of the UPEC will separately evaluate each one of the received requests and by simple majority of votes it will determine the granting, postponement, or refusal of the Distinction. In case of the denied ones or postponing, the reasons, that will be argued they will inquire to the applicants and they will include in file. The national Presidency of the UPEC can, of office, of request with no need presented/displayed, to analyze any candidate proposed by one of its members or by members of the National Committee of the UPEC that considers it reunites merits to receive the Distinction. Exceptionally, the national Presidency of the UPEC can analyze proposals of granting to Cuban or foreign journalists who without having the requirement of settled down time, reunite merits of great relevance. To that effect, the condition of exceptional nature will be argued widely on these merits and. The National Presidency can analyze the delivery of the Distinction Felix Elmusa to Cuban citizens or foreign who reuniting to the requirements of time and merits, at the moment are not in active-duty like journalists, is to carry out other responsibilities public or by retirement. Also, post will be able to approve deliveries mortem. The originating requests of the provincial delegations of base and, must be sent with their corresponding agreement, to the Department of Organizational Matters of the national UPEC, before the 15 of February of every year, with views to their analysis with sufficient time. The Distinction Felix Elmusa will be dominated to them the awarded ones in solemn ceremonies organized by the UPEC every year, with regard to the Day by the Day of the Cuban Press, the 14 of March. The national Presidency of the UPEC will be able to approve by own initiative or to order of the provincial delegations of base and, the deprivation of the Distinction Felix Elmusa to those who is inferior conduct as resulting from impropia subsequent to the delivery. The decisions of granting, postponement, refusal or deprivation of the Distinction Felix Elmusa, will be in writing by means of Resolutions of the UPEC, to the company/signature of their President.
    7. Distinci?n "Jes?s Suarez Gayol" 25 Years of Service in The Sugar (Cane) Industry
    8. Distinci?n "Marcos Mart?" 25 Years of service in Agriculture
    9. Distinci?n "M?rtires de Barbados" (m?rito deportivo) Sports Merit/Distinguished service in sports.
    10. Distinci?n "Por la Educaci?n Cubana" Distinguished service in education?
    11. Distinci?n "Por la Cultura Nacional" Presumably for Cultural Service of some type.... a broad spectrum, possibly encompassing arts, music, etc.??
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