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    Everything posted by Avitas

    1. and the reverse of the correct set of Heer cap insignia, with similar patina on the eagle and wreath. i am fairly certain they are original but any opinions on this and if it is the correct set are welcomed as always. Thanks again, Pat
    2. To clear things up, here is the correct Heer Eagle, Wreath and Cocade set. The cocade on this one is obviously a one piece and same with the wreath. The Cap eagle is made of the same material as the wreath (light, I think aluminum). Any opinions on the items with these better pics would be great. Cheers Pat
    3. and the reverses, you can see where it broke and how the metals match up, shame it was broken Pat
    4. To clear up the confusing last couple of posts, here is a better picture of the correct Navy Cap Eagle/Cocade one-piece "Donald Duck" insigina. You can see where it was broken and the two pieces fit together perfectly (after I got the right cocades to match the right wreaths and eagles) and the metal is the same. Any opinions on this set and any info on the Donald Duck insignia are very welcome, Thanks Pat
    5. Nice uniform Sauce It's a shame sometimes the Kriegsmarine gets a lower spot on the totem pole, but what can you do with those flyboys around. I think I have a similar metal cap eagle, the one piece version that has been broken. Does this eagle match yours for ranking purposes? Thanks, Pat
    6. As someone who has had quite a few bad pieces, I can appreciate the feeling Dan It never feels good to find out, but is WAY better to know the truth than to live in denial and get mad at the messenger. I can't believe that some people would get angry at someone who is trying to help them out! Oh well, I guess the truth is hard but when you post items on the forum you have to expect the experts might find a few bad pieces in your collection. This only helps the owner of such bad pieces to determine in the future what is bad and what is good. My point is: Never shoot the messenger and if you don't want to hear bad news, maybe it's best not to post the items. The help on this forum is invaluable and the last thing beginners like me need is people beating up on the messenger and making it less of a free environment to leave opinions. I for one am just as grateful for getting bad news as I am good news, at least its some news! So Gold Party Pin Guy- don't be afraid to leave opinions, any one who gets mad is just in denial and the help you give is awesome. Nice painted membership badge and DVG Westmark badges too by the way , can't wait! Later, Pat
    7. and the back of the early NSDAP membership badge, made of high quality materials. Ahh, when times were good and metal was a little more bountiful for the National Socialists... Pat
    8. Here is mine, another variation of a pre-RZM member badge, with Ges. Gesch on the pin holder as well as the main badge. Pat
    9. and the back of the Lindau tinnie (unmagnetic) with maker A. Demmler, Mindelheim, Bayern. Does anyone else have an idea on what other items this maker made or any info on the maker? Please feel free to leave comments on any of the tinnies posted in this long topic, as there are many still hoping and waiting for your esteemed opinions, gentlemen. Almost through the collection, can see the end of the tunnel now... Pat
    10. Here is another non-politically marked tinnie, this one for Lindau. Any ideas on the time-frame and purpose of this tinnie are helpful. It is in really nice shape. Pat
    11. the back of the Saar Treue in Treue tinnie. This one is magnetic and a little rusted Pat
    12. Thanks Don, I will keep my eyes peeled for these books. If anyone knows of one available please let me know, as i really enjoy finding out about all of the various tinnies and the events they were given at. I have a couple more for you today, the first one is a Saar 1935 with no swaztika. Does anyone know which organization would have handed this one out or the event it was for? It doesn't seem to have any Nazi markings and any info on this (or the previous snowflake tinnie or any item) are welcomed. Cheers Pat
    13. Also, this piece passes the burn test as well as the blacklight test by a mile. Pretty sure it's good, but any info on the item is helpful as I haven't been able to find any info on the specifics of this NSKK set (if it is indeed a set). Thanks a million! Pat
    14. Forgot to mention, for what it's worth, all three pass the burn test. So really all that does is make sure it is made of organic material with no synthetics, a good sign but nothing concrete. Any cloth experts out there with some tips? I am 99% sure the DW armband is good, and only about 50-50 on the other two (DRK and Waffen-SS), so any help is very welcome. Cheers
    15. here is a closeup of the HU stamp and fibre of the cloth..any opinions on this or any of the previous posted items? Thanks, Pat
    16. Here is another piece that falls under the "Personal Equipment" category, a cloth handkerchief or table cloth or some kind of linen. Haven't been able to fully ID it, but it is marked with the HU marking with an eagle. I have read that HU stands for Heeres Unterkumpft or something like that and is the stamp for accessories made for the Heer. It is 30 inches square and all white except for the stamp, and is a heavy linen. It passes the burn test and doesn't glow. Any ideas on the stamp or this item in general? Thanks, Pat
    17. I forgot to mention the "bump" is actually a scrape with a slight indent, like the scratch opposite it on the other side of the 1938. Hope that helps Gerd and everyone else Pat
    18. About the Luftschutz, there are tiny holes, but I didn't even notice them until they were blown up on the scanner, they aren't very visible to the naked eye. I would hope it was just damaged on the "bump" mentioned, but I got this from the bad source so I wouldn't be too surpised if it is bad. Maybe late-war though as I cannot see any casting lines at all, so maybe die-cast version? Thanks, Pat
    19. and lastly, the stitching on the DRK armband, any thoughts on my questions and info posted on this armband? Thanks, Pat
    20. I saved the most interesting for last, the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross) armband with the SS-BW marking on it. This piece is a little bigger than the Deutsche Wehrmacht armband, and has a very faint glow under blacklight, but its not really a glow, just not as dark as most TR cloth. I have seen an example of a fake of this and it had the red Cross symbol with the swaztika printed on the armband, not sewn. I have read that the SS-BW stamp means it was made (if an original) in a concentration camp for the SS Berkeweiter? labour organization, that produced clothing and other items towards the end of the war. I have heard some call this a fantasy piece, but it seems not enough info is out there to make a sure judgement. I hope someone can shed some light on the subject as I am very interested in finding out the answers to this unique piece. Thanks, Pat
    21. Last pic for the waffen-ss armband, the stitching. Any thoughts on it?
    22. Second on the agenda, a Waffen-SS armband that I would like some opinions on. It is thinner than the DW armband and seems to be a different style. I think it may be a repro, or perhaps just a different variation of the Waffen-SS armband. Any ideas on this one? Pat
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