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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Hello Jef,

      Thank you

      I know this site I also bought from them long time ago It was OK

      I ask them before my post on the Forum.

      They cannot make Leopold II Sash.

      They have Leopold I Sash

      By the way at the moment on EBay.be there is a Sash of Leopold 1 on Auction

      I have seen this Saller to auction this Sash before

      Is it better than the one from the ribbonshop site or is the same one.



    2. Hi,

      I am new to this forum, although I am collecting LOH for a while.

      This is a nice Officer marked on the ring- V.L. with a crown over them

      Because I have Commander of LOH from Second Empire by Victor Lemoine marked V.L. with a crown on top, I assume that this Officer is made by Victor lemoine, the son of Ouizille Lemoine.

      It come s in a nice Lemoine Fills/Martin-Bescon Officer case.

      I have not seen any clear mark of Ouizille Lemoine (apart from the plaques on the back of the Breast Stars)

      My qestion is also when Victor started making LOH? ..did he make them together with his father or independently?



    3. Hi Donald,

      Thes is very nice Pair of Epaulettes.

      In my opinion they are more likekly to be Italian Epaulettes.--and most likely high ranking officer -the treads are very thick

      The text on your second listing is in Italian

      Look for any Makers marks or Silver content marks The ones made with pure Silver plates (Mark A32S) are more valuable

      This might give you a clue.

      ..also go to EBay.it ..in the Categories page .click Colizione ..then go to Militaria ..then write in the upper box Spallini ,,and you will see few of those for sale.



    4. Hi Guys,

      I am glad that my listing created a very nice and productive disussion

      Hi Christer,

      It is a very nice point ..how we can draw a definitive line we do not know how long these EK1 were produced after WW1

      This line will be strached and dragged in both directions, depending of one's believes and intrepratations of the existing knowledge.

      We can only gess, from the existing knowledge, about the exact time of making of the EKs

      In my opinion it does not mather too much the exact period of making ..the most important is not to be made last week in China and "aged".and presented as a contemporary piece

      Hi Hagahr,

      Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the other memebers.

      The LDO, according to some sourses, was introduced on 1-st of March 1941.

      Yes, Schinkel EK1 is quite interesting piece, and could be a topic for another hot discussion



    5. Dear Uwe,

      Thank you for the information and the Definitions re: Original.

      As you noticed I had already accepted your and saschaw categorisation of the EK1 by L/12

      i believe that I have in my hands A Real Wearer Copy of 1914 EK1 made by C.E.Juncker in WW2 era for the Veterans from WW1, and marked with his LDO Mark -L/12.

      I respect your knowlledge and experience in the field

      I have been collecting only for the past 4-5 years, therfore I am not in position to claim that I am more knowledgeble than you

      Till very recently I was collecting on my own with only contacts with few iduvidual collectors.

      Not long ago I felt a need to join a Club and share my interests

      I am learning from experiences like this one

      Case Closed

      Kind Regards


    6. Dear Speedytop,

      Wnen I started the Topic and asked the question Original or Reproduction, I did not have any idea that will create such reaction.

      i have seen, and i checked agin, few of those 1914 EK WW2 made in diferent books, Refference Sites, Sales sites and Auction sites as well

      No whre and no body has mentioned the word Wearer Copy. For some reosons this word is not used.by anyone and nowhere. Most of the tme the words Rare Variant are used instead.

      My believe was if the EK1 was made by Registerd and well known German Maker, even in WW2 era, that the EK could be considered "Original"

      The other reason, which could lead to this believe, is that the EK1 was made Juncker firm with association with AWS using originals parts

      AWS Core and WW2 Juncker Frames with his early WW2 two parts screwback

      I went back and read all the postings, yours and the ones by other members, very carefully.

      I agrre with you that, if the Decoration is not made within certain time/ rewarding frame, although it is made by a Registered maker, it is considered as WearerCopy.

      As it was mentioned that there is adifference between copy and copy

      The one I presented is considered as relativley rare and not common Wearer copy for the Veterans from WW1, who lost or damaged their Rewarded EK1s Because it is made by the famuos Carl Eduard Juncker and it is a two parts screwback variation it demands higher price than some more common EK1s, including Originals made during 1914-1924 period.

      If I knew all this information, perhaps my Question will be :

      Is this One Real EK1 made by Juncker during WW2 eara or is more recent production i.e. fake or forgery.

      We all know that the collector's world is spiled with many fakes and forgeries, some of the are so convicigly good that can even trick the Best Experts in the field. The reoson the Fakers are geetting more knowledgeble and the interest in EKs is increasing. I also believe that the fakers get a good help from Books like "How to avoid fakes" The authors give very good descriptions of good and bad EKs The result -the next Fake EK1 is made with all the problems rectified The same things happenes with any Decoration.

      As i mentioned, although I did not get a direct answer to my revised Question, from the information i gathered i believe that I have in my hands A Real Wearer Copy of 1914 EK1 made by C.E.Juncker in WW2 era for the Veterans from WW1, and marked with his LDO Mark -L/12.

      Believe my, we dont nave any problems with you or have any bad feelings towards you.

      The only thing that could be better, and perhaps will not create some tension, if you as Moderater in a very expert and calm way explained some of the facts to us.

      Do not forget the fact, although we have Common Interests, we are different people in many other ways.

      Thank you

      Kind Regards


    7. Dear Members,

      I do think that we have to stop here.

      Otherwise it will get out of control

      I am thankfull to all members who responded to the topic.

      If anyone felt offended I apologizze to the

      Anyway I found the exchange of the "hot' mails very constractive

      At least i know how I can clasify this EK!

      It is certain also that the topic " What is Original and What is Copy is quite desputable

      I do not mention Fake because Fake is a fake it is made to decive the potential buyer/collector

      Although, i did not get so far a direct answer to my question about the originality of this EK1 Replacment copy by Juncker, my special Thanks to saschaw for providing me a picture of the same cross sold on his site.

      When i compared mine L/12 with the one sold on his site I am more convinced tha i am holding real 1914 EK1 made by L/12 in WW2 era.

      I hope he will allow me to buy from his site if I like any item from his Catalogue It is a nice site.

      Thank you Marrauder for his chronological explanation related of the Topic..and thanks God you did not buy the EK1 for the price on the Emedals Catalogue

      Thank you Hagahr for deffending and standing for what you belive is correct and your support

      Kind Regards


    8. Hi Marrauder,

      If you have have the EK1 from Emedals you can help me with the EK1 I listed. If you paid this high price it was your choice Sometime we do just to get an item we really want to have in our collection.

      I assume that Detlev ,very smartly, did not put the word Original, however he gave description and information re: seze ,weight erc

      I do believe that the Experts/Dealers are human and they can make mistakes, however I also do belive that some Experts/Dealers are very smart and use the teminology in a way they cannot be blaimed anything for the item

      Example the saschaw coment regarding mine EK1 marked L/12.and my reply to it:

      It is interesting fact the way you have categorised the EK1 marked by L/12

      On your site you are selling much more common 1914 EK1 WW2 era made - marked L/59, however you do not mention the word Wearer copy you use the term

      Seltene Variante!

      i.e. Rare Variant

      I call this fact- double standard

      When they sell items like this one, the smart Experts/Dealers do not mention the Worrds such as Original or a copy

      They use the word RARE VARIANT

      I noticed that in Detlev Expertises he conviniently avoids the Word Original ..just pure description about size, wight.

      However when the item is 100% Original he uses the Words ..This is an Original Example ot...

      Anyway, from all the facts collected till this moment we can say:

      The EK1 listed by myself is A Replacment Copy of 1914 EK1 made and marked with LDO mark L/12 by Carl Eduard Juncker in WW2 era

      It ia a rare copy, because it is , for sure, made with the aproval of the LDO using his strict qudelines for Originals and Copies.

      It was meant to replace lost or damaged 1914 EK1 by WW1 Veterans

      No one will dare to put the LDO mark at that time on just Theatrical Copy.

      Only thing we have to find out is:

      Whether the Cross, presented to the Forum, is correct and meets the criteria of originality to well known examples 1914 EK1 made by C.E. Juncker in WW2 era.

      Regarding yoor concern about Theatrical Copies,, yes you have the full right to be upset.

      Worse is when Theatrical copies are sold as Originals. The same aplies to the t herms Genuine Reproductiion, Museum Quality Copies and... the List is too long.



    9. Dear Marrauder,

      Thank you for you coments.

      I like your statment - "I am not asking about award period, but about the originality according to the supposed production era"

      You got it directly to the point That was my aim of this listing. It has gone in a wrong direction.

      This is a selling ad for this 1914 EK1, made by Juncker in WW2 era, by a Dealer:

      Magnetic/Iron core, vaulted, marked 'L/12', of very fine quality make by maker Juncker, in extremely fine condition. Excellent example. (Comes with expert evaluation from D. Niemann).

      I do not think that Detlev will be wrong. When Detlev is involved we are talking rare piece and a high price..

      I will be curious to read Detlev Niemann evaluation regarding this EK1



    10. Dear Saschaw,

      Thank you for your comment

      Yes it is not too common 1914 WW2 era made wearer's copy I could agree with this categorisation

      It is interesting fact the way you have categorised the EK1 marked by L/12

      On your site you are selling much more common 1914 EK1 WW2 era made - marked L/59, however you do not mention the word Wearer copy you use the term

      Seltene Variante!

      i.e. Rare Variant

      I call this fact- double standard

      However, this was not the aim of my listing to argue this fact

      The question I am asking is whether The EK1 I listed -marked L/12 is a contemporary piece made by C.E.Juncker or recent production.

      The reason - I bought it as Contemporary piece made in WW2 era ,however other Dealer questioned that, therefore I would appriciate your help in sorting this question out



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