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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. 4 hours ago, Kvart said:

      Thank you for your feedback on the red cross medals. 


      If the EKII was for some sort of contribution, which is very posible given the red cross medals and his keen interest in Germany, should it not have been on the non-combatant ribbon? If so, could it be that he changed the ribbon to the more common type himself? Maybe he didn't quite understand the differences in the ribbons and thought he as a colonel of course should not have the non-combatant. 

      Very good points

    2. 10 hours ago, steveBobby said:

      Greeting Graf!

      This is a real problem and I haven't seen a badge like this in any of the reference books. I found the following description in an article(https://www.morskivestnik.com/mor_kolekcii/mor_heraldika/znachki_ub.html):

      “Нагръден знак за подводно плаване обаче има вторият командир на подводницата УБ-18 контраадмирал Иван Вариклечков (1891 – 1974 г.), който е помощник-командир на този боен кораб по време на командването на лейтенант Никола Тодоров. Със заповед по Флота № 2 § 1 от 17 януари 1920 г., основана на заповед по Военното ведомство № 707 от 15 декември 1919 г. на Иван Вариклечков му е присвоено званието „Подводен и торпеден офицер”, понеже е свършил с успех командирския курс на подводното училище в гр. Кил и училището за самодвижещи се мини в гр. Фленсбург. В свой рапорт до началника на Флота от 22 юли 1920 г. той се подписва като „подводник-торпедист лейтенант Вариклечков”. Със заповед по Флота № 57а § 1 от 7 септември 1927 г. му се дава право да носи „възпоменателния знак за подводно плаване”. Този знак напълно му приляга. Със заповед по Флота № 66 § 2 от 25 май 1916 г. мичман I ранг Вариклечков е назначен за младши офицер на подводник № 18. Със заповед по Флота № 40 § 2 от 10 май 1917 г. е назначен за командир на подводник № 18, като му се признава встъпване в длъжност от 2 май 1917 г. Със заповед по Флота № 35 § 1 от 28 август 1917 г. командирован в подводното училище за командири в гр. Кил. С рапорт на командира на УБ-18 капитан-лейтенант Никола Тодоров лейтенант Иван Вариклечков е предложен за награда с „Орден за храброст – IV степен, I клас” за участието му в бойните действия с подводника на море.”

      It seems that researchers from Bulgaria itself have not been able to obtain the physical badge.But in any case, historical photos prove the existence of this badge.


      (Maybe they will have some consistency in shape)




      Hi Steve


      Thank you for your efforts Very interesting information

    3. On 21/06/2023 at 18:13, Daniel Krause said:

      The Bulgarian one is amazing!!!


      As far as my crystal ball tells me, a General Staff Major Radeff got the Bremen Hanseatic and the Prussian Crown Order 3 with swords.

      He was in the Staff of the Mountain Division.




      Yes,  It is the bar of the Bulgarian Major General Todor Radeff


    4. On 12/06/2023 at 13:12, 922F said:

      Insignia looks like those used by one of the various Ordre Milice Christ aka Militia of Jesus Christ and similar named entities or "revivals"--many internet sites [like http://www.laicos.va/content/laici/en/sezioni/associazioni/repertorio/milizia-di-gesu-cristo.html] refer.      


      Most badges post 1950's are uniface base metal and varities include some with a longer lower arm.  Ribbon sometimes plain black or 1/2 black 1/2 white.

      Interesting information Thank you

    5. On 20/06/2023 at 02:47, oamotme said:


      Two groups......

      1st - Jaques Ehrsham 1917-2018, one time President of Singer France.

      2nd - Captaine de Frigate Guillaume Auguste Fournage 1901-?



      Ehrsam Minis Obverse.jpg

      Ehrsam Minis Reverse.jpg

      Fournage Miniatures Obverse.jpg

      Fournage Miniatures Reverse.jpg

      Very nice minis Congrats

    6. On 15/06/2023 at 08:33, dante said:

      Diplome to Capitaine Pierre-Eloi Francois Marie Joseph BOUTON D'AGNIERES
      Chevalier de l'empire Français   Légion d’honneur

      Pierre-Eloi Francois Marie Joseph BOUTON D'AGNIERES born 29th March 1780, Pas-de-Calais, Béthune, and belonged to an old noble family, most likely enlisted into the 13eme Regiment des Chasseurs a Cheval formed on the 5 March 1793 on the 20th of November 1796 (aged 16) later renamed 14eme Regiment des Chasseurs a Cheval d’Arras.
      The regiment had previously taken part in the War in the Vendée (1793) and Army of the North (1794).
      In November 1796 when Pierre-Eloi enlisted the regiment was part of the Armée des côtes de Brest, with its role to defend France from invasion (a good enough reason to enlist)
      In 1799 the regiment redeployed to Armée d'Italie a field army of the French Army stationed on the Italian border.
      Napoleon had taken command in 1796 and had purged the Armée d’Italie of royalists and improved pay and resupply.
      The regiment was deployed almost immediately and Pierre-Eloi and his regiment under Chef-de-brigade Jacques Boudet was engaged at the battle of Fossano an engagement between a Habsburg Austrian army commanded by Michael von Melas and a Republican French army under Jean Étienne Championnet.
      Pierre-Eloi was wounded by a sabre blow to the head during the battle and was awarded the sabre d’honneur
      In 1800 his regiment took part in the Battle of Montebello, in which the French defeated an Austrian army (9 June 1800) during this battle his left leg was shattered by shrapnel, and he was sent to the village of Bormida, in north-western Italy to recuperate.
      On the 2 November 1805 Maréchal des Logis Pierre-Eloi Francois Marie Joseph Bouton d’Agniers was awarded the Légion d’honneur by Napoleon (Nomination confirmed, Décret 17 March 1821).
      He returned home to Bethune in 1906 and refused a military pension as his family was wealthy
      He married Mélanie Aimée Joseph DUPUICH in 1807 (Children Mélanie 1808, Alfred 1820 and Constant Eloi 1815).
      In 1807 he enlisted as Adjudant Major de la Garde Nationale d'élite du Pas de Calais, as a Captain-Adjutant-Major he takes part in the Escault campaigns 1809-10, Captain of the urban cohort of Béthune 28-1-1814 (Napoleon abdicates April 1814).
      On Napoleons escape from Elba and on his orders, he musters 100 Royal volunteers and leaves for Lille on 25-3-1815 to defend the King but stops at La Bassée because the king has left.
      In 1817 appointed by the king member of the municipal council of Bethune. 
      Captain of the Grenadier Company of the National Guard of Béthune in 1833 in command of 130 men and 120 gunners de Béthune 
      Commander of the detachment of volunteers who went to the aid of Paris from 23 to 26-6-1848, during the French Revolution of 1848 (also known as the February Revolution) that ended the July Monarchy and established the French Second Republic.
      He returned home to his business as a merchant brewer, Eloi died at home in 1854
      His son Constant Eloi was born in 1815 and became a Medicin Major with the 125e régiment d'infanterie and was awarded the Légion d’honneur in 1869 and served in the Crimea, China, and Italy, in Algeria 1840 distinguished himself with a squadron of hussars at the massacre of Sidi Brahim he took part in the Franco-Prussian war and was in charge the ambulance of the Church of St Elisabeth in Paris during the Paris Commune.


      Nice Grouping and history

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