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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Good research Tony

      On 14/06/2023 at 06:59, Farkas said:

      Hi Andreas,

      not sure if this helps much…

      this is the area shown on your map 👇


      On your map the lines are sea

      The chequered and the smooth areas are land, the two used to highlight the difference between nations/states(?) just as the same borders are highlighted in the map above using different colours.





      If you want to date his match case, it’s possible you might find some of the place names used are outdated and that could narrow it down… just possibly 👍


      tony 🍻


      Good research Tony

    2. Very impressive

      On 14/06/2023 at 04:24, Dave Wilkinson said:

      The Island of Jersey is a self governing British Crown Dependency. It is not technically a part of the United Kingdom, but is part of the British Isles. The King is represented on the island by a Lieutenant Governor.


      The States of Jersey Police has its origins dating back to 1853, when a small group of uniformed men were appointed to police the Parish and town of St. Helier. They were known as the "St. Helier Paid Police".  The policing of the remainder of the island was the responsibility of the Honorary Parish Police in each of the remaining eleven parishes.


      The uniformed police remained under the control of the Parish of St. Helier until 1952. At that time they were transferred to the control of the Island's Government, the States of Jersey. The strength at that time was 64 men and the title of the force was changed to "States of Jersey Police". That said, their activities were still centred upon St. Helier although they did venture out of the town when requested by the outer Parishes'. They later performed regular mobile patrols throughout the island, but had to inform the relevant Parish Constable of any incidents that they came upon or were called to attend. 


      They now provide a policing service to the whole island. However, the relevant Parish Honorary Police still have primacy in respect of the decision to charge offenders. The Parish Centenier is the only person (other than the Attorney General) who has the power to charge an offence and it is he/she who presents the case at the Magistrates' Court. 


      The current strength of the States of Jersey Police is 214 officers plus 121 civilian staff.


      Below is a representation of the badges worn since their formation.





      Jersey States.JPG


    3. On 12/09/2022 at 12:24, Klaus P. Schad said:

      More treasure:

      1917 DWM LP08, unit marked “L.G.R.109.3.6.”  Leib Grenadier Regiment 109, 3rd comp. weapon # 6.

      Regimental history book “Geschichte des 1.Bad. Leib Grenadier Regiments 109."

      1916 spiked helmet with cover, Bierstein and shoulder boards of LGR 109.

      1908 DWM, unit marked “109. R. (cursive) 9.4.”  Reserve Inf. Rgt.109, 9th comp. weapon # 4 with matching clip

      and reworked Reichs-Revolver holster. Feldmuetze with owners name, rank and unit.










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