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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. On 17/05/2023 at 03:11, ilieff said:


      General Asen Nikolov earned his Order of Bravery in WW1 and was decorated with it post-factum in 1919, once the war had finished. It was a common occurrence for people to be decorated with a delay in the years after the war.

      The bravery order he is wearing in the photo is most definitely not a decoration, given to him (or replaced) by the new communist government, simply because he was not in Bulgaria for most of the time of the Regency and once he was back from German captivity, we has executed anyway, similarly to most Royal generals.  


      Nice work

    2. 22 hours ago, steveBobby said:

      A Colonel(полковник Димитър Стефанов Попов) wearing a rare version of the order of bravery. 


      屏幕截图 2023-05-16 211856.jpg

      屏幕截图 2023-05-16 212040.jpg

      屏幕截图 2023-05-16 212107.jpg

      Very nice Thank you

      18 hours ago, ilieff said:

      Portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna of Russia, colonel-in-chief of the Bulgarian 3rd cavalry regiment. 

      She had a passion for jewels, so I believe that this is a diamond issue Order of Merit I class (on a sash, rather than on a bow).


      Excellent Picture Thank you

    3. On 15/05/2023 at 08:32, Farkas said:

      Hello Gents,

      Everyone likes pictures yeah?


      I do. I like all sorts. Rppc, CDV, postcards.

      But particularly those used as 

      Feldepost with all the details the backs carry names , dates, units , addresses and if I could actually read German, a lot more 🤨 

      I’ve posted a lot of these front & back in detail a few years back, so for now, this is just about the fronts.


      I’ve got this shoe box just for AustroHungarian cards…



       I’m gonna work through the box and post a few at a time here, just for us to enjoy 🙃











      Tony Excellent pictures Thank you for showing them

    4. 8 minutes ago, steveBobby said:


      Judging from the shape of this order of bravery, it is undoubtedly a work made after 1944. I don't think it was a pre-1915 version, because the decoration on the front ring should be seven dots instead of two lines. Of course, the problem with spelling can be attributed to the poor manufacturing environment in the late war. Some manufacturers hastily used new molds, or accepted German molds.

      I'll attach a photo of the seven-point ornament below, which is an important indicator of whether it's a pre-WWI bravery order.

      1.tight seven point ornament (from 1880-1911)picture 1 and 2

      2.Relatively scattered seven-point decorations (from 1912-1914)picture 3 and 4


      屏幕截图 2023-05-13 191431.jpg

      屏幕截图 2023-05-13 200519.jpg

      屏幕截图 2023-05-16 210657.jpg

      屏幕截图 2023-05-16 210629.jpg

      Hi Steve an excellent answer to the Question Yes this is the Republican Emission  made after 1944

      Those crosses lack the quality of the earlier  Emissions

      People sometimes get confused because at the beginning of this period old left over crosses were used and only the central medallions were replaced with republican ones

      Here is the Republican Emission


    5. On 15/05/2023 at 03:52, VC89 said:

      Personally I wouldn't worry too much about the wrong type of swords. Belgium was (and is) not that strict when it comes to medals and decorations and many variants do exist. So the wrong types of swords don't really mean that it is fake or added by the seller to get more money.

      The swords should also be a later addition to the medal anyway. They were awarded for actions (war titles as they call it) during WW I but are created by Royal Decree in 1939 and the gilded ones by R.D. in 1971. I haven't seen the original publication of the R.D.(just the text), so I'm not sure if there is a drawing of the swords attached to it.


      Even the later swords (40-45) have different versions. 



      I agree


    6. 20 hours ago, Farkas said:

      Well Gents, it took a bit of time and a dose of good fortune…




      They are from a bicorn.

      It explains the small size.


      Fortunately I hadn’t unpicked one yet.


      I haven’t identified them precisely yet, the closest match was a Royal Navy Bicorn but in position they are hard to see.

      I also believe the ‘red facing’ is relevant.






      Good Work Yes I agree that they are from a bicorn


    7. 16 hours ago, ashley58 said:


                 there are some great crosses shown here with some rare and unusual fixing methods 👍 (always good to see the reverse`s). Any particular rare makers you have identified ?

      Thanks for showing

      Two on the left are Meybauer

      Second on the bottom Junker

      Second on the top KMST DRGM

      Third on the bottom J.H.Werner

      Third on the top Godet

      The two on the far right AWS- two variants

      One of  my rare AWS i had in my collection was AWS with a lock

      A member of the GMIC who buy a very rare PLM  Grouping recognsed that this rare AWS EK1 .that was part of it , was swapped by the Seller. I did buy the EK1 from the seller. By pure chance I found about the swap

      The GMIC member was very upset and after discussion I returned the EK! to the seller. I felt this was the right thing to do

      The EK1 was re-united with the PLM Grouping  Do I regret? Yes and No Yes because i departed with a very rare AWS EK! NO -The History won for the moment Later on I saw the Grouping for sale on eMedals site

      Here is this rare AWS EK1



      005 (2).JPG






      010 (2).JPG


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