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    Posts posted by Graf

      Sous-lieutenant Second Lieutenant
      Lieutenant Lieutenant
      Capitaine Captain
      Chef de bataillon
      Chef d'escadrons1
      Mestre de camp
      Chef de brigade
      Général de brigade
      Maréchal de camp3
      Brigadier General
      Général de division
      Lieutenant general4
      Major General
      Maréchal d'Empire Lieutenant general


    2. On 10/04/2023 at 23:41, Stefan said:



      I bought this little group a year ago and I thought it would be interesting to do some research about it.

      For some reason the Swedish coppersmith Nils Johan Alfred LIDBOM (1880-1964) went to the Belgian Congo and served there between 1905-1930 (according to the auction text).


      He was decorated:

      The Service Star, in gold. (from what I believe it should be)
      The Royal Order of the Lion, in gold.
      The Commemorative Medal for the Congo.


      With the group was his navy badge and a commemorative medal. Can anyone enlighten me regarding these two?



      I actually found his name in an article in L’ECHO BELGE, 1918-01-24:
      “11-17 novembre 1917. Lois, arrêtés royaux et actes du couvernement. Ministère des colonies. Ordre Royal du Lion. - Nominations. Voulant donner un témoignage de Notre bienveillance aux personnes désignées ciaprès; La Médaille d’Or de l’Ordre Royal du Lion est décernée à:

      Lidbom, N.J.A., contremaître de la Marine”


      And when google translates it:

      “11-17 November 1917. Laws, royal decrees and acts of government. Colonial Ministry. Royal Order of the Lion. - Appointments. Wishing to give a testimony of Our benevolence to the persons named below; The Gold Medal of the Royal Order of the Lion is awarded to:

      Lidbom, N, Navy Foreman”


      He is also mentioned in L'indépendance belge, 1917-12-22, with the same list.


      In the newspapers there are several more persons listed that got the award and I found some more Swedes, Finns etc. I will try to compile the list of names and post it here. When you download the papers you get XML-pages with the text, but my own OCR program did a better job.








      Well done

    3. 19 hours ago, Dave Wilkinson said:

      Here is an unusual helmet from one of the former Welsh forces, the Anglesey Constabulary. Anglesey lost its independent force in 1950, when it amalgamated with the Caernarvonshire and Merionethshire Constabularies. The new combined force was named the Gwynedd Constabulary.


      This helmet can be seen being worn in the group photograph which was taken in 1942. Those who are wearing the standard "Home Office" helmet with the black furniture are War Reserve Constables. Interestingly the "chain", appears to have been a purely decorative and not intended for wear as a chin strap. As can be seen a normal leather chin strap is provided for that purpose. 



      DSCF1364 (2).JPG

      DSCF1365 (2).JPG

      Anglesey Constabulary 1942 (2).jpg

      That is another gem and the photo is the cream on the top

    4. On 23/09/2022 at 05:03, BlackcowboyBS said:


      just to inform you on my newest project! I am reserching this Pour le Merité from end of the 18th century. It comes from the era of King Friedrich Wilhelm II. so awarded between 1786 to 1797. I know the name of the original recipient, he could also be found in the books of Gustaf Lehmann. It is a pity, that only his name and date of award is written in it, so I need to find other sources to learn more, why this PlM was awarded! 


      Even if this blue enameled beauty looks very different from the ones that Previtera shows in his books on the PlM from that time period I am pretty convinced, that this one also is from this time period and want to prove it, when I am done with my research. 


      Any comments from your side are welcome, if you want to. 


      PS: this is just a little sidetrip, so it won't mess with my work on the book of the orders and medals of the Kingdom of Hannover! I promise ?

      PlM 18 Jhrhdt.jpg

      nice  and gold

    5. On 09/04/2023 at 01:56, VtwinVince said:

      What is the provenance on the mini PLM?

      I did buy this PLM mini boxed  over 15 years ago from a German Dealer I tried to get some information later on. Sadly he said he does not have any archives. Therefore could not give me any more information

      Never managed to get an old full size PLM I have three one is S#L 1950 the other one looks a bit older and the third one with oak leaves is a very nice 1980 period reproduction marked 925 I did not expect their prices to go wild

      Tested it is gold plated 925 Silver

    6. On 31/12/2018 at 09:53, P Hurst said:


      Enjoyed this very informative thread . Just like to share some pictures of a rare Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia. 

      It's newly acquired, and appears to be in almost perfectly mint condition. aside from a small area of gold showing through a little wear on the reverse backing paper. It is on a black cloth backing and is not vaulted. 

      It came with with a Heer Signals Standard Bearers sleeve shield,, a rural police sleeve patch and various breast eagles and cap badges.

      I'd like to offer it for sale for a fair price, first perhaps to W Unland if he's interested,, or if not,  I'd just appreciate any guidance on where to offer it for sale



      wasserpolizei Imagea.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia 2018-12-25 15.28 aa.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia 018-12-25 15.28b.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia  2018-12-25 15.29a.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia 2018-12-25 15.29.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia.jpg

      Wasserschützpolizei officer schirmmutze hand embroidered gold bullion insignia 2018-12-25 14.15.jpg

      Very Nice Thanks

    7. On 06/04/2023 at 19:38, Dave Wilkinson said:

      This particular Merseyside Police ceremonial helmet replaced the "Liverpool City" version which we talked about previously. The change took place in circa.1983. Again supplied by Christy's of Stockport, the helmet shown is the version which is worn by Sergeants and Constables. There is a helmet which has chrome plated edging to the peak which is worn by the OIC of the mounted section. You will notice that the side "roses" are smaller than the previous issue, and it includes the current (ceremonial) version of the Merseyside Police helmet plate. A sign of the times is that the plumes are now made of a synthetic material whereas the old Liverpool City versions were made of real horse hair. Traditionally, the red plume is worn by mounted drummers.



      DSCF1372 (2).JPG

      DSCF1373 (2).JPG

      I like it Thanks

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