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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. On 28/03/2023 at 03:12, VC89 said:

      Shouldn't be there a "L II" (monogram of King Leopold II) on the box?


      I have some simular ones with only the "2nd class" (in French, Dutch or both) on it and in most of them have the civil "Labour Decoration, 2nd Class" and the "Civil Decoration, 2nd class" for civil guard/fire brigade inside.


      Now Belgium is not known for its strictness when it comes to medals and probably most 2nd class medals could have been sold/awarded in a box like this.

      It should be, however for some reasons I have seen the LII medals with French text only only in such boxes

      I also have seen cases with Crown and LII underneath as well  a blue case with letters M.O.L.II

      I also assume that could be a lot of mix and match of medals and boxes or as you stated 2nd Classes medals could have been sold/awarded in a box like this (2me CLASSE)


      Obviously when comes to the lower level Awards

    2. On 09/01/2020 at 10:34, larsb001 said:

      When I was 15 back in 1976 he appeared in a Danish magazine which had an article about him and his collection. I had gained some interest in collecting Orders & Medals but had no clue of where to go and find these items. The article made it clear that he lived in the area where I grew up, so I took a phonebook (yes, those were the times) and found out that there were 6 people living in my area by that name. Then I took my bicycle and went from address to address, rang the doorbell and asked the simple question "Do your husband collects Orders?". At the third address I got a "Ahh, yes, why" and after having explained myself I was invited in.

      Kai Meyer got me started, we became friends and I have spend many many hours in that basement. I have really learned alot from him, he took me under his wings and he explained carefully what to look for, tricks and hints, and all that stuff.

      Today I have a quite extensive collection of miniature decorations, the very first miniature I got was bought from him at a very resonnable price, this one:



      The picture you have must have been from the 1960ies, when I got to know him he had a much larger collection.

      He died many years ago and his collection is sold, but you will still see items from his collection appearing in various auctions with a proper reference, interesting enough I spotted this one in a French auction some months ago:




      This is a plate with the Swedish Order of the North Star, still mounted on the plate from his celler, if you look at the picture you can see that his entire collection was mounted this way, plate by plate.

      Some older collectors would find him a bit controvercy, but that's another story.

      Hope this helps, Lars

      Thank you for sharing your story

    3. On 22/10/2021 at 06:42, Daffy Duck said:

      Unfortunately, I haven't been able to see any markings on the ring or anywhere else. The other problem is that someone butchered all three orders by removing central medallion on one side, in order to display them in a frame.

      The other two orders which I am quite familiar with, have the markings, both but this Order of Saint Alexander.

      I will post pictures of the reverse side of the order.

      That is a shame to remove the reverse medallions for display.

      i suspect that this person is not any more alive and if he kept the medallions in a place only he knew the person who acquired the Set did not know about the fact and resp;d them as they were. Now if you have them you have the difficult tusk to get replacement medallions i t could be a long process but not impossible Good Luck

    4. On 18/07/2020 at 21:50, Bob said:

      With the current economic environment there is lot of items appearing as trees get shaken.

      Here is what just came into my hands - hero star with serial nr 20

      assuming it is not an unawarded bank escapee (condition plus the high cost of such item for the mongolian government to reorder probably means it is not), my hunch is it was awarded to either of these two soviet cosmonauts:

      • Nikolaev, Andrian Grigorevitsh, Gen-Major Aviation, 31.5.1965
      • Beljaev, Pavel Ivanovitsh, Col, 1967
      will require patience to confirm377E19AB-C148-48CB-968D-B23BD1E1C8FE.thumb.jpeg.e35f85793a6acbb1fa916f6d18bd605e.jpeg44BEA77A-A160-41D8-82BD-976C9AED769D.thumb.jpeg.fb1950c072e6b32db8053f4fe174291d.jpegF100E936-B93D-447B-AEEE-61CDD4D0A0F9.thumb.jpeg.85251e12757e7ed1dec459fa1581d512.jpeg3C2A2972-2AD3-4904-B64D-636E92A5DEC9.thumb.jpeg.2e7dc798bddff4bbc6f0454704926798.jpegD0B1A5C6-B05D-406B-B68E-828F1208757D.thumb.jpeg.602de9886d4aa0d3fcbc3b4f086c75ca.jpeg


      Very nice

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