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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. It looks like it is an Honorary award of the Bulgarian of Ministry of defence

      This is the Highest Ministry of Defence Given to Bulgarian and Foreign Citizens who made contributions to the Ministry

      It was established in March 2014

      It comes in three Classes in two variants

      This particular one is the First Class worn on a neck ribbon other Classes and variants are are worn on the breast



    2. On 29/10/2020 at 18:59, BlackcowboyBS said:

      Thank you Laurentius and Sandro for your kind words. Well if people wanted to know more about me, they could pm me, here in this forum I have discussed matter of phaleristics and will do so in the future as well. I am not discussing things on my person. In Germany we have a saying: A gentleman enjoys and keeps silent about it! 

      And as we are in a Gentlemans Forum ...

      So lets go back ton Hannover, if you don't mind. 

      PS: Thank you Trooper_D

       Nicely said  Fair comment

    3. Thanks for the translation

      I suspect either we have made him to add this text or some questions from potential buyers

      8 hours ago, 922F said:

      Hello Graf,

      Just returned to GMIC.   Meiner Meinung nach ist dies ein hervorragend gemachtes Sammlerstück.
      Bitte sehen Sie sich die Bilder an und urteilen Sie.  


      translates to English as:


      My opinion is this is a superbly made collector's item.
      Please see the pictures and judge yourself. 


      Will look forward to comparing our 'replacement' cases.


    4. It is interesting

      I wonder whether our comments have contributed  to this warning

      Can someone helps with the translation of the text ?

      18 hours ago, 922F said:

      Hello Graf!   


      I see vendor now expresses this opinion about that set: 
      Meiner Meinung nach ist dies ein hervorragend gemachtes Sammlerstück.
      Bitte sehen Sie sich die Bilder an und urteilen Sie.


      A refreshing development!


      I shall continue to look for the fake case and post images when found.


    5. 13 hours ago, Hendrik said:

      Hello Duncan,


      The bars for the Belgian WW2 Commemorative Medal reflect unit citations and thus presence in the unit(s) cited during the specific battles would be the criterium.



      The Belgian Section of the Royal Navy received a citation in 1945 for its glorious participation in the liberation of the island of Walcheren (Netherlands) which was to lead to the opening of the branches of the Schelde river (Escaut in French) and the port of Antwerp.


      Three units were cited in 1947 for extending the defensive Gete river line northwards and withstanding enemy pressure on their Winterbeek rivulet positions. The 2nd Guides Regiment, the 1st Regiment of Cyclist Carabineers and the IInd Group of the 19th Artillery Regiment thus allowed the redeployment of units in their sector to the KW-Line (i.e. Koningshooikt-Waver line, an anti-tank line protecting Brussels).



      In 1945 the Brigade « Libération » was cited for having maintained the liaison between the British and American armies by holding an extended and very exposed front with its meagre forces and using offensive and defensive actions to misguide the enemy as to its strength. The brigade successfully made the first attack in the offensive that lead the British 2nd Army from the Wessem Canal to the Meuse.








      Nice information Thanks

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