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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Hi Gordon,


      I looked at the eMedals sale

      They provide information that does not appear on the page provided

      They need to provide picture of the next page as those listed bellow

      If you consider buying this medal you have to request picture of the next page with the name of the award and the dates and the number if eMedals include the Number and the Date they need to list picture of this page if they do not have this page the booklet could be from any other award and might not mach with the award for sale



    2. Hi Gordon,


      Thank you for the post

      We need the next pages for the list of the awards

      On those two pages we have:

      on the left - from top to bottom it says place for a picture and then a stamp stating "Valid without picture" and round stamp with ltext "People's' Republic of Bulgaria ..and in the brackets on the very bottom text says  "Signature" but not signed by the awarded person

      on the right page is the name of the awarded person Ivan Georgiev Shmugarski

      Usually those not signed and without picture booklets are for low level awards


      Here is a Booklet for Captain who received Fourth Class Second Grade Order for Bravery during WW2

      However the practice for list of the awards on the next pages of the booklets (the picture on the right) remained the same after WW2



    3. Hi Paul,

      Some speculate that  the so called 1st Restoration LOH pieces are actually makers variations and it is difficult to separate them. That is contrary to the existing belief that the pieces with crown and three lilies on the reverse central medallion are 1st Restauration and the ones with only three lilies are from the 2nd Restauration period





      1R original from MLoH (1).JPG




    4. Restauration  Period Crosses can be seen with Henry facing both left or right.

      As Paul said the ones with Henry IV facing to the left are believed to be earlier production.

      Some believe  that this is mainly makers variation then indication of early making.


      image2 (1).jpeg




    5. 20 hours ago, saschaw said:

      I cannot identify the maker, but nonetheless, this is an authentic, inter-war era private purchase cross, probably from the early to mid 1930s. Very similar crosses are shown on our friend 5tefan's site ek1-dna.de, described as "Unknown Maker (Associated with Otto Schickle)". See here for reference.



      How that, please? If the seller cannot or doesn't want to attribute this cross to a certain maker, this has no influence on his reputation and it doesn't take anything away from the cross. I sometimes really don't get how fixated we're on the "maker thing" - often not sourced, and sometimes just wrong! This is not the main thing about authentic, historical awards, if you ask me. But I really don't want to argue...




      Sorry I did  not mean to attack the Dealer in any way Please read carefully I said "he might have given you information" In any way I had no intention to harm anyone reputation  If I am critical to some well known questionable dealers I express my open honest opinion with no reservations Some do reserve that and I have the right for my opinion Otherwise we are going back in history.

      BTW the world is not a happy place at the moment


      Lost in translation


      No harm done


      BTW Thank you for your information



















    6. If the Dealer is respectable , he might have given you some information about the EK

      In general if one starts collecting EKs he has to start with the basic and well know makers once gaining experience then can buy some more unusual EKs with more confidence. As Peter said i hope one of more advanced and with more expertise members may identify the maker Good luck

    7. This is China Campaign Medal by Barre Fro m the photos lit is difficult to judge. I can not see any French  silver mark  on the both obverse and reverse,.However keep in mind that there are few modern re-strikes that are sold as original From all three Campaigns( (Italy, Mexico and China) this is the most expensive one and most desirable one as well


    8. Hi,


      The dealer is eMedals, known of selling several "unusual Bulgarian orders and Sets in the past

      I personally, will not depart with nearly 2000 US dollars for questionable item. It is on Auction on their site for $1600 plus com of 22% In addition this dealer started running very questionable and odd Auction Sales with no any transparency and with odd changing of the end time  of the Auction and few more questionable practices

      Not to mention many "collectors"  copies of different Orders from Europe

      Well till we have ignorant buyers with extra money to spend those practices will continue

      Paul Wood is spot on

      Picture 432.jpg


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