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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Ляду́нка (нем. Ladung, от laden — заряжать; букв. «зарядница, патронница») — специальная коробка или сумка, из комплекта снаряжения, предназначенная для боевых припасов, состоящая на снабжении военнослужащих вооружённых сил государства.

    2. Hi Simus Rex,

      Thank you for the correction Silly of me not to notice the stripes.


      Hi 91-old-inf-reg,

      I do not have any information apart that he was awarded 3rd Class of the Bulgarian Order for Bravery -1941 Model (King Boris III Period) and a Rumanian Order.

      That can suggest that he was in action at least on the Balkans

      Perhaps i have to focus my  research for the List of the Awarded German Officers with the 3rd Class of the Bulgarian Order for Bravery


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