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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Hi Igor,

      Original ribbon/sash for  Grand Cross is difficult to find, however not impossible ...just be patient

      I recently managed to track the origin of the unusual swards of my Grand Cross Star

      It was used by the Firm  Godet  Berlin for the Orders of one of the German States

      When I did buy it few years ago from an Auction , the seller claimed to be German made

      The back has different pin system and central plate On examination it did not look like the swards were added in later stage. It appear it was made this way i can only explain the different swards that they did not have the standard Bulgarian ones and used those instead for a German awarded person. the front central medallion is French type one

      As a whole the body of the Star looks more German then French



      006 (2).JPG




    2. OK


      Now it is more clear


      Simply the text was

      6 hours ago, Igor Ostapenko said:

      About museum in Sofia. 

      We can this star ( “big laurels branches” ) with swords in museum 



      but this star in awards group of general Genev, with neck cross of Scheid production 


      on the photo of general Genev we can see star from Scheid too 


      could it be a star from a photograph of Prince Ferdinand ? 

      OK Now is clear


      Simply i got confused because this text was under the photo of the General

      Yes, it could be Ferdinand Star in the Museum in Sofia unless he had more then one






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