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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Here are Campaign Medals with crowns in my collection


      -  Italy Campaign Full size. 1/2 size and one miniature.

      - Mexico Campaign Full size

      As far as I know they are called "Cent Gardes" Model

      My question are:

      Whether the same model does exist for the China Campaign?

      Are those Models were really  given to the National Guards or are some kind of luxury models of the Campaign medals?






    2. Yes

      It is very interesting medal bar.

      If some of the Orders are missing it does  not mean that the person was not awarded them. Simply not included.

      Another possibility is this person was not be in active military service.

      I noticed very interesting fact

      The  4th Class 2nd Grade of the Order for Bravery has central medallion, which is from the Republican period 1945-1946 The possibility that this person offered his services over 45 years period is very unusual.

      Either the central medallion was lost and replaced with later model one..or this Cross was added later on to the medal bar

    3. Hi JustinH

      You are correct for the Military unit

      Can yo you post the medal. Usually this is very common award Document.

      However, this one is rare because this is for a medal with a black stripe on the middle and is given to the family of a person who was killed i during the war

      This document entitles the son of this soldier to wear the medal.

      i suppose some of the Bulgarian members can give us more information regarding the Regiment

    4. Hi Ilieff,


      Nice awarding ceremony picture.


      The question is whether the 1st and 3rd Class with crossed ribbons was awarded with them or the horizontal ribbon was added later on


      Hi 922F Yes the topic is getting interesting Good notice. At the end of the day all Royals in Europe were related in some way The question is where King Boris IIi got the British King George V Coronation medal


      Here is interesting picture. Notice King Boris is wearing the Prussian Order Pour Le Merite (Blue MaX)



    5. Hi Chuck,

      I am not sure who is the maker It is very nicely made slightly vaulted Both 1st and 2nd Class Crosses are marked "800" for silver. Do not forget that those high ranking officers had more then one awards

      Recently I was offered a medal bar, supposedly owned by this General. However the seller did not provide a good provenance and  he wanted a price that i did not feel comfortable with. I declined the offer.

      The General was also awarded 4th and 3rd Classes of the Bulgarian Order for Bravery

      Interesting fact is that the one of the documents is the General's  Secondary school Diploma.

      In one of the letters, to his wife he wrote that he was just promoted as General and also he just was awarded the Second Class with War decoration  of Austrian Military Merit Cross.


    6. Hi New World,


      I agree with you That was the rule. However in this crazy World and crazy times anything is possible.

      Just the fact that he sold most of his family decorations on Auction in London instead of giving to the Country that made them Kings it is bad enough.

      Also I have seen many of civilians  wearing their late  family members decorations during Victory Day Parades ..They never were involved in any combat. I have seen few actors during the Oscars doing the same thing. So for a Monarch to wear one of family luxury Decorations (with Diamonds) does not surprise me at all

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