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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Hi

      I recently did buy this interesting grouping of French Navy Officer


      The Grouping   is :


      First Empire 3rd Type of LOH -Knight Class

      July Monarchy LOH Knight Class

      Monarchy modified 1/2 size LOH

      Second Empire LOH - Knight Class

      Order of ST Louis 1/2 Size Louis-Philippe Period

      The portrait of the Officer  Oil painting. It looks like he is wearing the 1/2 size modified Monarchy Period LOH

      No name is known.



      Is it possible the military service to spread  for such a long period ?

      Is this grouping assembled in a later stage and married to the Painting ?



    2. Hi,

      The more I look the Set the more I think that the Star and the Cross are not King  Ferdinand model.

      Also it is very strange for a Grand Cross Set not to be marked at all.

      The Austrian and French makers usually marked their Sets. especially if they are silver gilded.

      This strange Set is more likely early King Boris German made one That is why the crown is not as big as the ones of the King Ferdinand model. Most likely the Set was made piece by piece< I do not believe the box was made especially for the Set later on.  The missing sash is a mystery because they are not very rare

      Why the Auction House did not provide more information. My explanation is that  this was an Auction mainly for rare coins where the prices reached 450 000 Euro  plus com. Why bother to spend time and effort when the initial estimate for the St Alex Set was 1500 Euro only and the final price was 6 000 Euro  only . Also only limited Orders were included in the Auction. It is less likely they did hid the details to fool unsuspected buyers.


    3. Hi New World,

      It is difficult to say without knowing the size

      You are correct that the loop is not supposed to be there

      The crown is not quite indicative. I found big crowns go with the civil models without the swords in the middle.

      Also the size and the spread of the text on the reverse medallion is more likely for a Grand Cross The commanders tend to have a bit more condensed text.

      However again we are only speculating Regarding  the box - you have good points Although it looks new  the box looks is a bit damaged around the edges, however this can be done on purpose. Again it is difficult to judge unless you hold the box in hands and closely inspect with some boxes in the  existing literature.

      Again because we do not have the size it is a tough call, although your arguments are quite convincing

    4. Hi JohanH,

      Here are additional pictures of the box and the medal

      The box is original, however the question is whether it is the correct one to the medal

      Most of the times i have seen those medals without any boxes or in the red boxes that are designed for the higher classes.

      Also it was usual practice with many makers if they did not have the needed box to use other firms boxes.

      At least with other countries I am not sure how were the rules with the Sweden.

      I hope someone who has better knowledge can bring light on the topic









    5. Hi Igor,


      Nice cross

      Those crosses in silver are rare I I have one more It is marked 925 like yours. This cross was discussed in another forum.

      I suspect that some of them are made by order by the awarded persons. The fact is that some of those Soldier Crosses were awarded to non Bulgarian officers mainly German ones.

      The prove is that I came across of few  German awarding Documents  to German officers

      Picture 726.jpg


    6. Update of my collection of the silver medals of the Order

      The first medal on the left is the first model with the hinged crown There is a mark on the crown next to the hinge "VI"

      The crowns on the two medals to the left are mobile The crowns of the two medals to the right are fixed

      The one with the big crown is the last model .

      It is marked "MJV Silver  1966 " It came in a gray  box with the maker on the lid. I assume that those medals are presented in the gray boxes not the red one we know for the higher classes

      I assembled them in chronological order as I assume they are . Although only the last model had the date stamped on the rim.





    7. Hi  Igor,


      I got the Lemaitre Knight cross

      This one has a French  mark "boar head' for silver.

      The Officer is also French and also marked with "boar head" It look exactly the same as per the drawing on Lemaitre Catalogue

      I took picture next to each other, so you can compare Lemaitre one is a bit smaller by around 1mm in all dimensions

      The arms on the side do not taper as much as the arms of the Officer Class

      You can see also difference in the central medallions 

      Interestingly This Knight cross is not as thick as the Officer cross you have ??11

      Also i took, I hope better pictures of the Russian made cross It is not marked, however it is gilded silver

      It looks like converted Commander into Officer Class. I do not know when this had happened

      Is it purposely  converted before it was awarded or in a later stage. One is for sure the ribbon loop and the cross show the same age. which means it is not a recent conversion














    8. Hi Igor

      You are right About the GC with the swords above the cross  Th Cross badge is not GC size it is , as you suggest 2nd/3rd Class one.

      I have seen few such Sets that  have been "mix and match ". Even in The  Museum  of Military History in Sofia they have few of those Sets on display.

      Even ion the picture you listed of the GC Set the Sash is from 1st Class

      Do you mean this one





      Picture 136.jpg

      Picture 138.jpg

    9. Hi Igor,




      If you manage to get such rare "birds" during this crazy times with almost all countries in some form of blockades That is an achievement

      Your collection of early St Alexander Order is getting very nice


      This is from a friend collection GC  Set from Sheild


      I just found this pictures in my files with the  early French model and a bit later Officer also French made

      You can see the difference


      Enjoy it as I did











    10. Hi Igor ,


      Did you manage to open the links

      It looks like the site is protected

      I got this Order  and it is on the way to Australia

      If you were not  able to open the links , once I got the Order i will  list pictures of it

      It is the same as per the  Lamaitre Catalogue  with out the crown. I assumed the crown on the officer, as i discussed somewhere in the thread, was added to match with the new rules  One thing is for sure this is a very old model and is marked

      BTW The  Ivan Osipov Orders are very nice  Are they yours?



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