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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Hi Vazov,

      Yes We and other like us more or less more exited from collecting, are discovering new things that are not covered by the current literature.

      It is difficult to classify those Crosses as sub-emission it is more proper to give them the name unknown till mow variation of the princely emission Also it is difficult to identify exactly the time of their fabrication


      I will keep an eye for this 4th Class variation and i will let you know



    2. This 3rd Class was sold couple of years ago in Germany and again re-sold on a recent Auction in Austria.

      It was advertised as Austrian made silver gilded The crown is the same as the first Class Cross of the early Prince Ferdinand model made in Austria 1887-1908

      Although Prof Pavlov did not specify in his book that there were two princely periods Prince Alexander and Prince Ferdinand , he mentioned that some of the early period Bravery Orders were also made in Austria not only in Russia.He also  mentions two different types of central medallions gold and green for the high classes

      Some other Authors separate the periods more clearly

      1st princely period -Prince Alexander Battenberg period (1880-1886 )  This period includes he model with the gold Rings -made in Russia and the Model with skulls

      The Prince Ferdinand period (1887-1914) Model which features the early pieces with the green enamel, also shown in Prof.Pavlov book

      It is very difficult to identify the 4th class different variations, which ones are earlier then the others One is for sure that some of the variations are much rarer then the others because of their specific features and their numbers on the market

      I think we will find more facts regarding Bulgarian Orders Although some of the books were very good they reflect the knowledge obtained by the authors during their publishing We are also part of the obtaining additional knowledge by our research work








    3. Hi Nicolas 7507


      This is a very nice site and i hope it will get better and better.


      Only  problem for this topic is that the site cover only Royal period Orders

      For Camelneck will bo more cleared , if not yet to see pictures of different ribbons used with the Military Order

      I will try to show some examples for a better understanding

      The yellow/black /white ribbon is the Standard one use all through Royal period 1900 -1944 and also is use fro the lower Classes during the Regency period 1944-1946

      The Bravery Order Ribbon( blue with white/silver line) was used also during those periods and also the Regency Period for Classes 4th, 5th and 6th During the Regency period for the High Classes (Grand Cross, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Classes) was used the Civil Merit ribbon(white/red/green)

      Therefore during the Regency Period we had the yellow.black/white ribbon, the blue with a white/silver line ribbon, and the white/red/green ribbon

      During the Republican period 1946-1950) only the Civil Merit Ribbon was used Note

      As 992F stated the Civil Merit Ribbon for the Regency and the Republican period is with slightly different shades of Red and green colours


      Here are some examples

      First pictures are only during the Royal period Prince/ King Ferdinand and King Boris III

      Next pictures are for the Regency period

      And the last pictures are from the Republican period you can see as 992F stated the central medallions of the Star is bigger then then the ones on the Cross





      GRCRIST0302__1.jpg (Thomas)01.jpg

      BulgariaOMM Com.Reg.jpg






    4. It started during WW! period however continued later on, which is obvious from your St Alexander Officer Cross and other Decorations from a later periods. I have to check my Decorations...till now I never looked fro this mark

      From all the information i managed to get  nobody knows exactly when this mark was introduced, because there is not official document The year 1916 is the most speculated one

      It is believed that one of the makers introduced it and the rest followed with their own star marks

      When was stopped no one is sure, however it continued well  after WW1

    5. Hi New World,


      Further detective work found

      1 The Star mark is not a hallmark It was a  mark  stamped on products manufactured in the most common materials available to jewelers such bronze, copper, nickel and (especially) tombak.

      -the star-mark denotes "unedles Metall", so not gold, platina or silver, and is not a hallmark, but is believed to be an (Austrian) jewellers mark to assist in identification of the type of metal used (and thus: the commercial value) of the piece.
      2. During the WW1 the jewelers were being asked to refrain from the usage of .all precious metals and also zinc and nickel and several other alloys( needed for the military purpose). The use of copper/bronze/brass and tombak (a brass/copper/zinc alloy) was introduced and the items were marked with the Star mark and sometimes the maker mark. 

      3.The different makers used different Star marks, because it was not an approved hallmark and the awarded people were advised that they can replace them precious metals when the time allows

      4. Precious metals were still but the Orders and decorations were very expensive

      5 Because many Orders for other countries, including Bulgaria, were made in Austria, the makers used the Star mark when the Order was made from copper/bronze/brass and tombak i suspect that many of those countries during and around WW1 period ordered  decorations  from  copper/bronze/brass and tombak due to the high cost. ONLY for special occasions they ordered expensive decorations

      That is why not many Bulgarian decorations exist made of Gilded Silver and only handful luxury.

      We know that later King Boris III was very modest person , and also very well controlled by the Bulgarian Government. During his period even much less decorations from precious metals were made

      This trend was followed by other countries as well The extravaganza of the earlier periods before  WW! period was not there any more The use of precious metals was significantly reduced due to economic and other factors






    6. HI New World,


      this is the  latest reply from the Austrian dealer expert it was very kind of him


      yes, this was true. It was planned to replace the Bronze decorations after the war but due to the end of the Habsburg monarchy, quite understandable no replacements took place.


      Best regards,








    7. Hi New World

      We all witness that decorations come in any box type

      It is harsh to blame the sellers that they are misleading us

      Simply some of them do not have a very sound knowledge of the Bulgarian decorations and they sell wht the get from somewhere else


      Also we can assume that some of the makers used the left over boxes ..no need to get rid of them


      i believe that the same apply for the Decorations as well, therefore it is very difficult to draw clear cut line for the different periods and models.

      Also Prof Pavlov book, despite of being one of the best so far, has its own weaknesses.

      He was based on the information know by that time and the personal knowledge of prof. Pavlov.

      The Bravery Order with the "fat crown" is believed to be made by left overs of the early Princely model and the central medallions were replaced in accordance with the new model

      Because the 1915 Bravery Order I have with the "fat crown" is marked with asterisk or Sterhenpunze it is a fact that the Austrian makers were involved in the very early stages alongside the Russian makers


      Also the boxes are some kind of proof

      We also with our Detective work make new discoveries regarding the Bulgarian Decorations







      Picture 697.jpg

    8. I have information kindly provided by an Austrian Dealer and Expert regarding the Star mark or Sternhenpunze


      It was use for items made of Bronze and the different makers used their typical Sternhenpunze



      On 3/13/2017 at 10:10, Graf said:

      Military Merit Order 3rd class (Commander) with original full length ribbon. WW1 period (late Ferdinand issue). Most likely of Austrian manufacture (probably Schwerdtner). Suspension eye marked with a 'star punch' which was customary for Austrian decorations marked for replacement in gold/silver gilt after the War. Ultimately, we are uncertain why the mark is there (for this is not an Austrian decoration) but interesting never the less - undoubtedly of War period manufacturing. Gilded

      Now we have to find out more information regarding the above  Any comments?




      Scan0007 (1).jpg


    9. Hi New World,


      So far It is for sure that the Star mark is for items made of bronze and it is an Austrian mark. It looks like that they are made at any time not just war time Also that there are different Star marks used by the different makers

      . I have to follow the link about the info for the practice of replacement of some of the Decorations to prove it or to rule it out

      Back to the detective work ha ha ha






    10. Quote






      Hi New Word,

      I have more information regarding your question

      It is from a Austrian Dealer and expert on Austrian Decoration and Orders

      "I send you scans. Gold and silver punches until the end of 1918.

      The circled ones are the most common.

      The Sternchenpunze is always only on bronze. Attention there are different,

      depending on the manufacturer." See the scans above.


      One is for sure Star mark is for Bronze made decorations and Orders


      I also made a request on the Astro-Hungarian Forum. You can follow it as well






    11. Hi New World,

      The boxes are as you suggested Prince Alexander./early Prince Ferdinand period

      It is speculated that, although most of the Bulgaria Order for Bravery during Prince Alexander period,were made in Russia, that in the later stages of his realm some of the decorations were made in Austria, mainly by the Austrian firm Schwerdtner.

      It is very likely that the boxes could be for the earlier models, however also some left over boxes could be supplied with the later model

      Prof Pavlov in his book is showing such a box to be for the  early Prince Model.-page 17 see picture


      I am proud owner of two of such boxes including the one with the violet velvet.

      Interesting fact is that they are different in size, which makes me think that the smaller size is for a lower grade Order like 4th Class, although i am housing in it  the early model of Real Silver Soldier's Cross, and the bigger one is for the 3rd Class

      Also those boxes are with push buttons locks

      Here are the boxes next to each other


      Also the boxes compared with the later model boxes for 3/4 Class Orders









    12. Dear Members from the Austrian Section,

      We need help and more information regarding the Mark (*) -asterisk on the Austrian and other  countries Award made by Austrian Makers

      I collect Bulgarian Awards and decorations and many of them are Austrian made Few of them have this mark


      My knowledge is that this is the Mark for Bronze/Brass

      I also read that it was customary  used during the war time for awards made by Brass, which were later replaced by Gold and Siler/Gilded ones


      I posted as much information on the thread -Bulgaria Red Cross Badge You can read this

      Here is some information from Military  dealers from around the world-,Austria, North America and UK

      -FRANZ JOSEPH ORDEN, Ritterkreuz mit der Kleindekoration zum Offizierskreuz mit KD.
      AE - vergoldet und emailliert, im ovalen Bandring Sternchenpunze(Starmark)

        Note:  AE is  Bronze/Brass,  AR is Silver AU is Gold

      -Military Merit Order 3rd class (Commander) with original full length ribbon. WW1 period (late Ferdinand issue). Most likely of Austrian manufacture (probably Schwerdtner). Suspension eye marked with a 'star punch' which was customary for Austrian decorations marked for replacement in gold/silver gilt after the War. Ultimately, we are uncertain why the mark is there (for this is not an Austrian decoration) but interesting never the less - undoubtedly of War period manufacturing. Gilded

      Note: This is Bulgarian Award


      - Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in bronze gilt with star hallmark



      Please give us more information on the topic




      Picture 697.jpg

    13. Hi New World,

      The temporary status applied only for the Austrian Awards I am not familiar with the Awards That was passed as information to me

      The asterisk is the mark for Brass and I am 100% sure about that

      If you are not sure about this information take your St Alexander Award to a jeweler and test it


      Here is some information from Military  dealers from around the world-,Austria, North America and UK

      -FRANZ JOSEPH ORDEN, Ritterkreuz mit der Kleindekoration zum Offizierskreuz mit KD.
      AE - vergoldet und emailliert, im ovalen Bandring Sternchenpunze(Starmark)

        Note:  AE is  Bronze/Brass,  AR is Silver AU is Gold

      -Military Merit Order 3rd class (Commander) with original full length ribbon. WW1 period (late Ferdinand issue). Most likely of Austrian manufacture (probably Schwerdtner). Suspension eye marked with a 'star punch' which was customary for Austrian decorations marked for replacement in gold/silver gilt after the War. Ultimately, we are uncertain why the mark is there (for this is not an Austrian decoration) but interesting never the less - undoubtedly of War period manufacturing. Gilded

      Note: This is Bulgarian Award


      - Order of Franz Joseph Knight badge in bronze gilt with star hallmark


      However, perhaps we can ask the Members in the Austrian Section who are more knowledgeable  for more clarification


    14. Hi New World,

      I have few Red Cross Badges and Bulgarian Orders that are marked with this sign. Actually if you look one of my badges is similar as eMedals badge and is marked with the same sign

      The sign means that the Badge is made from Brass There are fe Bulgarian Orders -Austrian made - that are marked with this sign

      Many war time Austrian Orders were made from brass and marked with the star,or more correctly called asterisk(*)  sign and were considered as temporary awards that later were replaced with corresponding correct gold or silver gilded ones




      Picture 697.jpg



    15. Hi Le Collection Phaleristique


      Thank you for the opinion. It is very valuable

      The Fake 1st Restoration is long  back sent  to the dealer

      The shocking thing is that I advised him about the findings and despite that he listed the LOH again...and nearly triple the original price It is still on sale. i will not disclose his name..bu Buyer Beware

      i am helping the members by showing the facts and the opinions of other memebers


      BTW you are the second person who mentioned that the 1st Restoration Orders are due to mistake by LOH maker.

      Very Interesting fact


      BTW My Collection of the 2nd Empire Luxury miniatures is steadily growing





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