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    Posts posted by Graf

    1. Here are some of the boxes for the Hero of Socialist Labour Stars

      - first picture- the left light red box is the 1st Model -it has only the 9.IX.1944,  the one on the right is next model

      -second picture - most common boxes for the following models Stars

      - third picture two luxury boxes given to VIPs

      Note the Big box could combined box for the Hero Star and the Order of Georgi Dimitrov,, which is given with the Star or in many cases  only for the Hero Star





    2. For a little bit difference I would like to share my Hero of Socialist Labor Stars
      From top left to bottom right
      - 1st Model (1)
      - 2nd Model with three different Mint Marks on the back (6)
      -3rd Model with Mint marks on the side of one of the arms in means of Number 0 (2) : 1(2) and 2 (3)
      - Wearer Copy -marked R (1)
      The numbers in brackets represent the number of Stars
      One of the Stars from the 3rd Model is double marked with number "1"


      I will post also different models boxes related to the Stars













    3. Hi Igor,

      Congrats for the Group if you managed to get it

      The mark Silber is not strong indication for Godet Most of the Bulgarian Stars were made by the German  Firm Zimmermann

      As the New World stated the Star was made during the King Boris III period and later was converted to a republican Model by altering the central medallion to comply with the new rules


      Here is the same Star before being converted



      OCM Boris 2nd Class Star.JPG

      OCM 2nd CLass Reverse.JPG

      OCM Star view.JPG

    4. Hi I llieff,

      Great Work.

      As you said I must have taken a lot time and dedication Well Done.


      i hope the members with their comments can help you to fine tune some of the sections and/or to add more info

      to it I have to got very slowly bit by bit to consume all the information before i can give you any constructive comments.

      For the moment  just to show you those pictures of the "Third Type' red Cross

      The Box is with the King Ferdinand sign that means it was made during his time

      Hi 99F It appears that Ilieff work cover only "Royal Orders"


      It appears that the Vicariate of Sofia and Philippopel - Order of Saints Cyril and Methodius does not fall within the scope of your work.

      This Order was not a Royal one and Prince Ferdinand asked the Vatican Vicariate to stop giving it because it will clash with the new Official Royal Order

      It is very rare one and not many people know about it. Very interesting fact is when i was in Bulgaria last September i visited the current catholic Head of the Bulgarian Head in Bulgaria Catholic Church in Sofia. He did not know about the Order i promised to send him some information and pictures






    5. Hi 92F I suppose, although they are not marked , to be by Schwertner

      The only marked are the Stars on the back.

      Some boxes are marked by this maker some are not.

      Hi Ilieff,


      I published the Crosses only because they are distinctive from the other Models


      Here is the 1st Class Set, The 2nd Class will follow

      Yes the ladies cross without the crown is bigger than the one with the crown. Both 5th Class crosses with the crown appear smaller

      The 5th cross without the crown is by Rote and is featured in Prof Pavlov book as item 202 as the next model.

      In my humble opinion i think that this cross belongs to the late period of Princely Model, because it comes with a Princely box and has, apart from the Lion, very similar features as the first model.

      I have my collection on different places and i have to look for the other 5th Class without the crown from this model

      It is interesting that during this period there are crosses from the next King model that the makers used the first model crosses with King crown. In his book Prof  Pavlov stated that such crosses were made as early as 1900 after the Order for Military Merit was introduced -see pictures of 1st Class Cross and the 5th Class -both with king Crown but with Princely Crosses

      Therefore it is very difficult to make a sharp cut of any period and Model








    6. Thank you Ruiz,

      The Bulgarian miniatures are relatively rare. I collect miniatures, mainly from the countries I have the Standard size Orders and decorations.

      I am still chasing a Bulgarian Miniature with Diamonds. They are extremely  rare and i hope one day i will get a hold of one of them. So far I have seen only one in a published Bulgarian book by Todor Petrov - "Bulgarian Orders and Medals" -page 105




    7. Thanks Ilieff,

      thank yopu also for the information. It is interesting mark that needs more research.

      The German Iron Crosses 2nd Class miniatures usually are marked with numbers for the Silver content like - 950, 900 and 800

      Here is my last miniature- Red cross -listed in other forum as well

      I hope this year will bring me more miniatures





    8. Thanks New World,

      Here are few more Bulgarian Miniatures

      Order of St. Alexander Commander Class -very large mini and a nice first model Knight Class


      Order for Military Merit

      and a nice medal King Ferdinand model


      also a very interesting large miniature of the 1914 2nd Class of the iron cross with a mark -king crown and A3.

      I was informed that this mark was the Bulgarian Import mark for Silver, which means it was owned by a Bulgarian Civil or Military person.   Any more information about that?












    9. The Soldiers Cross miniature in this shape is only available in 1957 Model I have seen it in other miniature Group in in 1957 Model The Orders were made at that time  in West Germany to replicate the Awards won by German Military Staff during WW2 period This happened when The West Germany Government banned any Awards with Swastika


      I suppose that the Rule for the Soldiers Cross did not apply for non Bulgarian  especially during WW2 period

      I also can speculate that it was an unusual design for an officer Class ?!!

      I also have never seen it in this shape in the other Models

      i will list all of the Bravery Order Miniatures in my collection Also a close-up of the unusual Bravery miliature

      As you see the quality is not as good as the miniatures made in the earlier periods.










    10. The Soldiers Cross miniature in this shape is only available in 1957 Model I have seen it in other miniature Group in in 1957 Model The Orders were made at that time  in West Germany to replicate the Awards won by German Military Staff during WW2 period This happened when The West Germany Government banned any Awards with Swastika


      I suppose that the Rule for the Soldiers Cross did not apply for non Bulgarian  especially during WW2 period

      I also have never seen it in this shape in the other Models

      i will list tomorrow all of the Bravery Order Miniatures in my collection



    11. Hi,

      Here are two very nice miniature Groups from two different periods

      Both of them are most likely owned by German Officers, however they include few Bulgarian Orders

      The First Group is 1880- 1918 period It has three Bulgarian Miniatures -Order for Bravery -4th Class, Order for Military Merit -4/5th Class and the 1915-1918 Commemorative medal

      The Second Group is the 1957 Model of Decorations to a WW2 German Officer It includes two Bulgarian Orders- Very Interesting 3rd or 4th Class Class of the Soldiers Cross of the Order for Bravery and a nice 4th Class of the Order for Military Merit with war decoration




    12. Hi Paul Wood


      Thank you for the opinion.


      What shocked me most was the fact that those medallions were not 200 years old as you see on the pictures above.

      The way the central medallions were made , at least at the early stages even through Second empire is different from those 1st Restoration ones attached to the 2nd Restoration Cross

      The first thing that brought my attention, when the Order arrived is the fact that a supposedly later Model cross is so much damaged comparing to supposedly earlier  central medallions -nearly mint.


      Second fact the central medallion with the Henry IV is very murky and not as clear as the quality from this period demands.

      Third fact the loose central medallions and the way they are attached and glued -the glue is not an old one, the loop is modern tin.Also the two parts are glued with a modern epoxy glue.

      Fourth as you said the the correct "Hybrid' combination should be 1st Empire Cross with 1st Restoration medallions

      not the one presented  -it does not make sense.


      Here are some pictures of correct construction of medallions from 1st and 2nd Empire with the correct brown and yellow wax










    13. Hi TacHel,

      Hi Paul Wood, i would like your opinion as well


      That how i felt as well.

      Here are two Crosses from this period You can compare the central medallions The 1R Cross is in the worse condition with the "best' preserved medallions

      To add to the topic the Two parts of the central medallions were glued with a modern epoxy..and also the new loops for attaching to the Cross were glued the same way






    14. Hi TacHel,


      That how i felt as well.


      To add to the topic the Two parts of the central medallions were glued with a modern epoxy..and also the new loops for attaching to the Cross were glued the same way




    15. Dear Members,


      I just want  to so share my recent experience with a "rare " 1st Restoration LOH Knight Class

      As you follow the thread you can noticed that I did seek more information regarding  this Model.

      I came across of one of those "Rare birds"   Did I?

      I managed to buy it.  Very excited! When The "bird" arrived I did feel very uneasy Something was wrong.

      -First the Cross was from the 2nd Restoration Period and very badly damaged.

      -Second the Central medallions looked very new nearly mint including the reverse one with the crown and the three lilies

      -Third the medallions were very loose and I managed to detached them with a gentle pool

      My findings were not very good. I did not feel comfortable keeping it and i return the LOH

      Was i wrong by returning this  "rare bird"? Did i let a rare "rare bird" to sleep from my hands?

      Judge by yourself I need your opinion

      Now it is for sale again for a much higher price!!!!!

      No comments !









    16. That is a problem,



      Till very recently the fakers 's focus was the high end items.

      Now obviously they are going to low level items.

      I hope they will not mass produce them I have heard that there is an online Auction site in Bulgaria which is only for the local market  ...and that there are many fakes offered there as originals

      In September i went to Sofia, as part of trip to the Balkans.

      I went to the market around St. Alexander Nevski Cathedral, because i had been told that there they sell Militaria.


      i was not very impressed, because the items on offer were mainly very cheaply made reproductions, that cannot fool any collector.

      Well , we have to keep our eyes wide open.



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