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    Everything posted by ErikMuller

    1. Jacky, You're not correct (sorry!) He's wearing: Flood Medal in bronze Officer's Long Service Cross Mobilisation War Cross 1914-1918 Knight of the Order of Military and Civil Merit of Adolph of Nassau (Luxembourg) I've identified him as Major J.A.G. van Andel!
    2. The newspaperclippings just said "German Government", but all awards would have been made in 1920! Underneath the clippings (in Dutch): Bij K.B. (...) is aan den res-kapt. P. te Wechel van het 11de reg. inf., vergunning verleend tot het dragen van de onderscheiding van Officier d?Academie van de onderscheidingsteekenen van het IJzeren Kruis 2e klasse. Source: Het Vaderland, Saturday 9 December 1922, evening issue A. Bij K.B. (...) is aan den eerste-luitenant op non-activiteit J. Fabius, van de artillerie, vergunning verleend tot het aannemen van de onderscheidingsteekenen van het IJzeren Kruis 2e klasse van Duitschland; Source: Het Vaderland, Tuesday 1 August 1922, evening issue A. - Bij K.B. is aan N.C. Keukenschrijver, arts te Kisaran (Asahan, Oostkust van Sumatra), vergunning verleend tot het aannemen van het onderscheidingsteeken van ridder van het Legioen van Eer; aan den oud-kapitein van het N.-I. Leger P. Te Wechel, tot het aannemen van den titel van ,,Officier d?Academie" en van de onderscheidingsteekenen van het IJzeren Kruis 2de klasse en aan mr. H.M. Meertens, advocaat en procureur te Batavia, tot het aannemen van ,,Officier de l?Instruction publique?. Source: Het Vaderland, Thursday 2 September 1920, evening issue A. Bij Kon. besluit van 28 Juni is aan den gepensionneerden kapitein ter zee J.L. von Leschen vergunning verleend tot het op de uniform dragen van het IJzeren Kruis 2de klasse, hem door de Duitsche regeering gechonken. Source: Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, Saturday 3 July 1920, morning issue B. - Bij K.B. is aan den gepens. kapt. ter zee J.L. van Leschen vergunning verleend tot het op de uniform dragen van het IJzeren Kruis der 2e klasse, hem door de Duitsche Regeering geschonken. Source: Het Vaderland, Friday 2 July 1920, evening issue A. Duitsche onderscheiding. Naar het Corr. Bureau verneemt, heeft het Duitsche Ministerie van Marine het IJzeren Kruis der 2e klasse verleend aan de kapiteins der Mariniers H. Baron van Hemert tot Dingshof en L. Spiegelberg. Beide officieren hebben indertijd deel uitgemaakt van de Nederlandsche gezantschapswacht te Peking, toen het Nederlandsche gezantschap aldaar belast was met de behartiging der belangen van de Duitsche onderdanen in China. Source: Het Vaderland, Wednesday 30 June 1920, evening issue A. Onderscheiding. De Duitsche Regeering heeft de orde van het IJzeren Kruis 2e klasse verleend aan den kapitein ter zee J.L. Von Leschen, die gedurende den oorlog de betrekking vervuld heeft van marine-attach? bij het Nederlandsche gezantschap te Berlijn en in die hoedanigheid een bezoek heeft gebracht aan eenige gevechtsfronten. Source: Het Vaderland, Saturday 3 April 1920, number 93, morning issue.
    3. The colonel in the center is Jhr. E.W. van Holthe, Commander of the Ist Infantry Brigade (Brigade Grenadiers en Jagers). The Lieutenant-Colonel seated on the left is Lt-Col. W. Froger, Commander of the Grenadier Regiment, seated on the right is Lt-Col. W.G. van Hoogenhuyze (MWO), Commander of the Jager Regiment. Haven't got an ID on the others yet, but will continue my search!
    4. The unknown medal is a button from his jacket
    5. Both the White Falcon and the DRK The WF is still on my wants list to!
    6. Ok strike-through MG Schrijver, he was also recipient of the Polish Cross of Merit, the Polish Badge of the Medical Officer's School and the Spanish Red Cross Medal 1st class. Best guess would be: MG Van de Moer!
    7. The last one is not the Order of Leopold II but the Officer's cross of the Order of the Redeemer of Greece. My best guess would be that this is either Major-General A. van de Moer or Major-General N. Schrijver of the Medical Service.
    8. Well, you can note me down for a book for sure Maybe it's an idea to open a book selling topic somewhere, were you can list down the volumes that will be comming and let people PM you their addresses, etc. for ordering? Because I think there are a lot of topics open on your yet unpublished lists and I'm getting lost at the moment to which rolls will be open for publishing soon
    9. If they do, I will be the first one to rob the person who has them (at least to get those papers on my scanner, he can have them back later on off course *ahem*)
    10. Stijn, Would love to see this group irl... will you be bringing it with you the 24th? Cheers, Erik
    11. So far I found mention of the following Iron Crosses 1914, all 2nd class, to Dutch officers, besides the earlier mentioned Lieutenant-Colonel Muller Massis: J. Fabius (1888-?), First Lieutenant of Artillery (authorisation to wear by royal decree July 1922) Haro baron van Hemert tot Dingshof (1879-?), Captain, Royal Netherlands Marines, Commander of the Guard of the Dutch Legation in Bejing (05-09-1913 / 15-03-1920) Johan Lodewijk von Leschen (1868-1949), Captain, Royal Netherlands Navy, Naval Attach? in Berlin (10-09-1917 / 21-08-1919) (authorisation to wear by royal decree 28 juli 1920) Leonard Spiegelberg (1882-?), Captain, Royal Netherlands Marines, Guard of the Dutch Legation in Bejing P. te Wechel (1871-?), Captain, Royal Netherlands-Indies Army (authorisation to wear by royal decree September 1920 and September 1922) In the newspaperclipping stating the award to Von Leschen it was specifically mentioned that he received the EK2 for 'numerously visiting the front lines, as Dutch naval attache in Berlin' The Marine Captains received their EK2's for 'merit to German residents in Bejing, China' For which Captain Te Wechel and First Lieutenant Fabius received their awards, I can't tell.
    12. Nice Thanks for the information. This means looking through the known online papers to see if we can find some royal decree by with they were authorised to wear these medals! Cheer,s Erik
    13. As far as I know they were attache's who acted as observers on the front lines. Another well known example of this was the Dutch Colonel Thompson, who was an 'observer' on the Greek-Turkish front in 1912. He was killed-in-action in Albania in 1914.
    14. Lieutenant-General Muller Massis was also awarded the Austrian Kriegserinnerungsmedaille. I don't know why he was awarded both the MVO3 as the EK2, but I know he wasn't the only Dutch officer to receive the EK2 for being a military attache (and off course, when needed, you can never find their names). The ribbon of the Grand Cross is that of the Order of the Sword of Sweden.
    15. I wrote a booklet about them two years ago. I will look if I can scavenge a copy for you somewhere. Cheers, Erik
    16. Jacky, That's no miniature, that's the full size medal: the Cross for faithfull police service of the General Netherlands Police Union. The miniature is just 10 mm wide And I don't think it was worn on the uniform of the Staatspolitie, since the Union was forbidden by the Germans in 1941. Gr., Erik
    17. To explain the design, the badge was called "Militaire Lichamelijke Vaardigheid"-badge, short: MLV. Below I've tried to explain the shape: The letters MLV. The swords are to dignify the military aspect. The oak leave wreath is to dignify the victory. The badge was designed by Frans Smits, who, amongst other medals, also designed the Dutch War Commemorative Cross, Mobilisation War Cross, Resistance Commemorative Cross, Commemorative Medal Peacekeeping Operations, etc. Frans Smits also designed all the Dutch ceremonial uniforms.
    18. Left is the all bronze version (my own, I hated swimming) Right is the UNIFIL version
    19. Kevin, This is the "Brevet voor Militair Lichamelijke Vaardigheid" (Military Physical Proficiency Badge) or just "MLV" Badge. It is awarded in three different designs: In plain bronze In bronze with blue enamel In gilded bronze with the word "UNIFIL" on it. The badge was instituted in 1947 and awarded for completing a course of physical tests. Over the time the tests changed, but they would include: 100 m. running 2000 m. endurance run 1000 m. field run distance jumping handgrenade throwing robe climbing which qualifies for the plain bronze badge and 100 m swimming, which qualifies for the bronze badge with blue enamel Of course all within an amount of time! The UNIFIL-badge is unofficial, but was awarded to the UNIFIL-soldiers who qualified while under UNIFIL-flag in Lebanon. Cheers, Erik
    20. Hmmm... no mistake, usual Van Wielik delivery: never what you asked! Since they got new owners at the end of the 1980's most medal bars come wrong when returned to it's owner. Last time I heard someone had brought his medals to Van Wielik he had to wait 7 months before they finished and three of his medals were in the wrong place By the way: Very nice group and certainly worth the money you paid for it!
    21. Just got in 20 minutes ago and I hadn't checked my snail mail box yet, so just did after reading this! Yes, thanks! Will add those to my fastly growing document archives Thank you very much!
    22. Here's a picture of D. de Ridder (which sometimes is listed as O., that's why I made a mistake earlier today) by the way, he also was a knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau, but this picture must have been taken pre-1930. The picture is taken from the book "100 jaar politiewerk in Nederland 1830-1930". Cheers, Erik
    23. Albertus Kummer * Amsterdam, 15-02-1845, died Amsterdam, 07-01-1932 1st Officer, Merchant Navy 21 March 1879 Voluntair with the Amsterdam Police 19 April 1879 Inspector without salary 1 September 1879 Inspector 3rd class 1 January 1881 Inspector 2nd class 1 April 1888 temporary Inspector 1st class 1 April 1889 Inspector 1st class 1 Juli 1898 temporary Chief Inspector 1 Juli 1899 Chief Inspector 13 August 1904 Police Commissioner 24 January 1913 retired at a pension of f. 2621,- each year. I have two awards listed: - Commemorative Cross 1898 Amsterdam Police (19-01-1899) - Officer in the Order of the Black Star So I don't think he's your guy. I would welcome the dates of the newspapers you found mention of these guys I will look for the other two tomorrow evening. Cheers, Erik P.S. I think it's O. not D. de Ridder. O. de Ridder was a police commissioner in Velsen-IJmuiden. He had the following awards: - Officer in the Order of the Black Star - German Red Cross Decoration 2nd class - Prussian Crown Order 4th class - Cross for Faithful Police Service of the General Netherlands Police Union
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