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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Bear

    1. General Victor Antoine Andreossy (1747-1819) Royal and Military Order of Saint-Louis (Feb 20, 1791) National Order of the Legion of Honor (June, 14, 1804) Baron of the Empire (May 1808) Minister of War Dubois-Crance (1747-1814)
    2. Certified true copy The General in Chief of the Army of the Alps Kellermann
    3. State of the sums paid from the 300,000F and 500,000F funds granted to the representatives and generals of the Army of the Alps, by the orders of the Committees of Public Salute and of Finances, gathered on the dates of Messidor 6th and Fructidor 12th. (Paid) on the orders from Rept. Real and Gal (General) Moulin 771,959.19.9 (Paid) on warrants from General Kellermann 11,040.... 782,999.19.6 reamins available from the above mentioned funds. 17.....6 50,000F funds destined to the secret expensives, granted by order of the Committees finances and Public salute gathered on the date of Messidor 6th. 50,000F Out of which has been paid on warrants from General Kellermann. 40,000F Remains available. 10,000F 500,000F funds granted by the order of the Committees finances and Public salute gathered on the date of Vendemiaire 7th. Note. Representative Real, in his letter of 7th Frumaire, divided this fund in two equal parts, he put 250,000F at the disposal of the General in chief and 250,000F, at the General Ordonnateur. The part at the disposal of the General in Chief is whole.....250,000F
    4. Marshal Kellermann Born May 28, 1735 - Died Sept 13, 1820 May 19, 1804 - Appointed Marechel d' Empire (Fifteenth Order) June 3, 1808 - Created duc de Valmy
    5. I saw a show a few years back about this subject hosted by James Woods. I've been trying to locate the name of the show but haven't had any luck. I believe it was on the Discovery Channel. It showed them working in the graves and all the medical tests that went with it. found it Moments in Time - Napoleon's Lost Army hosted by James Woods barry
    6. Hello Rick, I broke down and paid the 10 bucks for research on one of the Genealogy websites. I found some interesting things. Lexington Alarm List From Town of Lebannon Daniel Dunham service 3 days Militia Regiments 1776 Capt. Pineo's Company Regment that marched by orders to East Chester to Join General Washingtons Army Daniel Dunham Ensn Connecticut Seventh Company 2nd Lt. Daniel Dunham barry
    7. Hello Rick, I was wondering if Daniel Dunham might be a relative because I'm looking to find some info on him. I have his American Revolution military appointment as a 2nd Lt. dated 1778 and signed by Conn. Gov. Jonathan Trumbull. The only info I have so far is that he served three days as a minuteman in the Lextington Alarm. thanks, barry
    8. I also found the distance traveled from Boston to Haiti interesting. Letter was written Nov 26, 1777 Received news from Boston of the Battle of Saratoga on Nov 2, 1777 Letter Battle of Saratoga Oct 13, 1777 History Book Battle of Saratoga Oct 17, 1777 Saratoga, NY to Boston,Ma 215 miles Boston to Haiti around 2,000 miles The news traveled 2,215 miles from Saratoga, NY to Haiti Letter Date = 21 days History Book Date = 17 days Possible or Impossible thanks, barry
    9. Hello, I just finished my coin album and if and you're intereated in taking a look just click on the link. Click on the little coin box under 'Barry's Coins' for more info. I have forty five coins. http://www.forumancientcoins.com/gallery/index.php?cat=17582 thanks, barry
    10. We have been anounced 12,000 troopers for our colonies, 6,000 for the Iles du Vent and 6,000 for this one with those already in garrison. It is to be feared that they _ _ _ _, they should have arrived or be leaving, none has happened yet, all those preparations make me consider war looming, and fear not to go back to France. One will thus have to make do. the news I'm giving you from North America, Messieurs, are considered here very true and everyone believes them and I am among that number. If my letter is too long and does not interest you, you will have the grace of blaming yourself, having engaged me through your letters to inform you of all the interesting things that would happen concerning this country. I thank you a thousand times, Messieurs, for the feelings of friendship that you shaw me. I beg you to keep them on. I have the honor of being sincerely all yours. Messieurs Your very humble and devoted servant. Capt. De Crespin The Generals
    11. Their army under General Howe does not enjoy happy days, news from Baltimore near Philadelphia on the 1st of this month announced that if Genral Howe does not succeed in breaking through 'Chevaux de Frise' that the loss of his army will follow, finding himself enveloped in Philadelphia by considerable lines that General Washington has formed cutting him by these means all communication for rations by sea, as well as by land, we count on these news, they are confirmed by several ships that arrived, we consider here the Royalist army utterly destroyed and believe that we are _ _ _ _, one _ _ _ _ of the northern part that the Americans I think are in condition to undertake with success the conquest of Canada at the opening of the next campaign, maybe they are _ _ _ _ in vain. On the 27th of October, two days after the embargo was set on our ships, the harbor was forbidden to the Americans, the government was then to go tothe Mole St. Nicolas, fortunately they have thought better of it since then, they are received anew since the 19th inst. They are bringing much tobacco, rice, indigo, flours, wood, and they keep drawing canvas, common ones, big fabrics of wool, wines..... and they have been forbidden to charge any war powder and other ammunition. Chevaux de Frise
    12. The affairs of the Americans are in the best possible state. The news from Bostonfrom the 2nd of November assure us that after the affair of the 13th of October that took place between General Gates, American, and General Burgoyne where the latter was wounded and lost a great part of his army, the Royalist general has been forced to surrender himself and his entire army consisting of about 6,000 men now prisoners of war. Battle of Saratoga October 17, 1777
    13. Hello, A thanks to Jerome(Djedj) for the translation of the letter. This letter is by a French ship Capt. on Sainte-Dominigue(Haiti) of his present situation dated November 26, 1777. Capt. Francais the 26 November 1777 Messiers, I had the honor of recieving your letter on the 15th of August that bears note of my balance of the remittances you've sent me at 5867. And the reasons that have prevented you from approbating and submitting yourself to the project of sending me money. I am charmed that this has not taken place. I recieved your letter on the 25th of last month, at which date the embargo wa declared in our port, I have only _ _ _ _ on the 23rd of this month, during all this time it has not been sold for 200 _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ and not for 200 Livres of other goods. I have not bought one pistol. I was hoping to buy at low price half of the cargo of my ship. I have only been able to buy 32 _ _ _ _ at low price at 1x5 per quintal, they have almost become as expensive as before the embargo. The 90 ships that we have in the roads _ _ _ _, the inhabitants and their commissionaries are all in league as to sell their wares at half price although it is abundant, and _ _ _ _ league as well. I'm planning to take my ship at the end of the year and go myslef next April to Le Havre unless their is war between France and England.
    14. Thanks Peter I'll keep looking... thanks again, barry
    15. Inscription on pistol: This pistol found on the Battlefield of Waterloo May 14, 1816 by Mr. R Hillyer of London. Why is a sea service pistol at Waterloo?
    16. Hello, I've been trying to find out what type of pistol I have from the Napoleonic Period. I searched all the replica stores and had no luck, but then I found a website with a replica British sea service pistol. Is it a match or just not enough information. Here is the website: http://www.militaryheritage.com/pistol1.htm thanks, barry
    17. Hello Humberto, I've been looking but haven't had any luck. I'll keep looking and if I find it I'll post it. thanks, barry
    18. Hello Jaybo, Try here: http://www.antiquesatoz.com/napoleon/ausnapms.htm thanks, barry
    19. This pistol found upon the Battlefield of Waterloo May 14, 1816 by Mr. R Hillyer of London.
    20. Hello, I've seen around ten of these helmet plates since I started collecting and none of them were identified to a battle. They ranged between $1500-$3500 depending on the regiment. I have a pistol grip that was found after the battle of Waterloo and only paid 60 dollars for it. thanks, barry
    21. Hello, I've had these since I was a kid. My grandfather was going to make lamps out of them but never got around to it. thanks, barry
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