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    Everything posted by Taganrog

    1. Yes, you're right. 7 and 8 of the Order of the Precious Crown classes have differences by period During Sheva orders were stamped as a unit In the Meiji era orders were multicomponent constructions Here are the photos http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131545 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=135108
    2. It was incorrect (error) information. Photos Golden kites Nicholas Japan X and photos Golden kites Collector of Ukraine are very similar because the same black background. This information is corrected. http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=137092&st=40
    3. I can't put a photo
    4. Recently (07.11.2013) sold the breast star at the YahooJAPAN auction Price $ 2792 http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w92200123
    5. It not ridiculous excuses. . This is the position of the seller (Egoshin) This description of a fake. Ridiculously only to you to one. Why discuss the manufacturer? He writes honestly that sells fake. It is good quality or not - it does not matter. The problem is quite different. ! The problem is written in the title of this article. Richard topic called: "fakes being resold as authentic on YahooJapan" I think that this topic should not talk about "bad" seller of the Russian Federation (Egoshin), and talk about the "good" from the auction YahooJapan (elfard94), which writes about fakes that they are originals?
    6. My badge third class has a thickness of 3.6 mm. It has the stamp of the "M"
    7. Not necessary to me a copy of medals. I have the originalsYou're Here, there already shown my medals Constitution and the Crown Prince's visit to Korea http://gmic.co.uk/index.php/topic/56618-the-crown-princes-voyage-to-korea-commemorative-medal/
    8. I do not buy these medals! Боже упаси! I live in Rostov-on-Don. Copies of these medals do in Stavropol. About 330 km. They were brought to our city club of collectors. I held them in my hands. I know a man who makes them. He sells them only as a copy.
    9. Excuse for my English. I wanted to tell. Yes. I totally agree with these words (полностью согласен с этими словами): "The problem is that next owner of these beauties can try to sell them as originals .." The new owner can tell that it is the original. These medals more than 3 mm thick, and weight are made by about 20 grams and more. The new buyer will see a difference in the image. Present Constitution medal of very thin 1,87-1,9 mm. The medal with a ring and without a tape weighs 11 grams.
    10. Yes. The new owner can tell. These medals have thickness more than 3 mm and weight is nearly 20 grams or more. The new buyer will take away difference in the image. Real medal of the Constitution of very thin 1,87-1,9 mm. The medal with a ring and without a tape weighs 11 grams.
    11. Ты опять на публику сработал, которая может это нормально прочитать. А я толком и половины не понял
    12. Why to quote my phrases? I didn't quote your words about me. Here discuss an award Николай! Пишу по русски,т.к. по английски у меня хорошо не получится. Потом, если хочешь, можешь сказать модеру удалить эти посты твой с цитатами и мой, т.к. здешним людям это не нужно - наши разборки. На Заммлере пост, т.к. за тобой не угонишься - строчишь как пулемёт темы. Я это написал после случая с колодкой, которая кстати продалась гораздо ниже моего предложения, ты меня не поддержал как коллекционер коллекционера, а наоборот , но я думаю, что в душе со мной возможно был согласен. Если бы по-честному,то взял бы и прокомментировал потом результат торгов. Мои слова в темах - ответ на твои. р.с. В вашей с Романом переписке участия не принимал. Узнал о ней потом. О твоем отлучении с форума узнал от Стаса. Мне теперь "по барабану" кто с кем и почему. Мне теперь как и тебе главное "чистый интерес"! Как сказал один наш с тобой общий знакомый: "Time heals all wounds".
    13. Nick. Tried the insert a picture here. The first time. You know that I have a lot of items. I would like to take part in the discussions.
    14. Here are a couple
    15. JapanХYou almost guessed ! It was measured for my friend Eugene.
    16. It isn't necessary to sneer Ring measured at auction at the request of the buyer!
    17. Рaul wood. Try once again. http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131507 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131892 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=133380 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131561
    18. On a photo from the Bene Merenti auction it is visible , that diameter of a ring is less than diameter at a yesterday's badge About 16 mm The ring is got to the core! At the Bene Merenti auction collecting from the 2nd and 3rd class. Yesterday sold the extremely rare, original badge Here it is well visible diameter of a ring the 3rd class http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131507 Here additional photos http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131561 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=131892 http://sammler.ru/index.php?showtopic=133380
    19. You meant it? http://www.benemerenti.de/php/us_vorschau.php?lnr=20&wnr=MAN If "yes", result of the auction № 0906 9.000,00 € + 23% = 11010 Euro
    20. It is the Badge of the 1st class! Diameter of a ring at the 3rd class of 9 mm At the Sun, Clouds, Treasure, the Gold Kite diameter of a ring at the 4th, the 5th, the 6th and below classes of 15,5-16 mm The 1st classes diameter of a ring have 18 mm (+) On a photo with a ruler 11 divisions from 16 are visible It is a little more than 11. It turns out 18 mm I congratulate the winner!
    21. Please say hi to "serious collectors"! Hugs and kisses, Japan 10 I want to clarify. Looked an award in 20 multiple magnifying glass. Enamel in the center, not all restored. Only a light blue and white restored. Green and purple native. Halberd is not restored. Their enamel is severely damaged, scratched. Perhaps sewing needle p.s Greeting from you I couldn't transfer because serious collectors from Moscow don't know you Didn't hear about such "expert"
    22. And who you are such something to solve? Your opinion not ultimate truth. If you don't see, these are your problems. Award serious collectors looked. Red and becoming blue enamel native and in an excellent condition.
    23. Enamel is restored only in the center and partially on halberds. Blue and red enamel in native execution and in an excellent condition. It is perfectly visible in your photos which you received from kind people
    24. At you likely there are a lot of Gold Kites of the 3rd class. All of them in an excellent condition? Show them here or on "Sammler"
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