Let me at this moment pay my tribute to al those brave portuguese soldiers that toke participation on this conflict by introducing to you all this great site with some great pictures of some portuguese fotographers of that time of the preparation, departure, in the field, and armistic of the portuguese trops...
I do not know much about it...only that teory that I mencioned before...but it makes sense...if you see the above set of medals that I have posted of an Alferes de Infantaria that was on the CEP in France at that time...it has that VM with star, and there is also a medal of distintc services with the letter C buckle...I discover in a magasin of the Time "Ilustração Portugueza" there is a litlle article about my alferes telling that He was responsable of repeling an attack of the enemy in battle...I believe that was the reason for the atribute of that other medal DS buckle letter C....
I do not know much about it...only that teory that I mencioned before...but it makes sense...if you see the above set of medals that I have posted of an Alferes de Infantaria that was on the CEP in France at that time...it has that VM with star, and there is also a medal of distintc services with the letter C buckle...I discover in a magasin of the Time "Ilustração Portugueza" there is a litlle article about my alferes telling that He was responsable of repeling an attack of the enemy in battle...I believe that was the reason for the atribute of that other medal DS buckle letter C....
I Herman...here is another tip for you...try next Sunday at Belem in front of Mosteiro dos Jerónimos in the central garden, I believe it takes place every 1º Sunday of the month, and there is another in that same day arround Lisbon in Oeiras near the old factory (Fundição de oeiras)...
I got mine at flee market of Algés at the 4º Sunday of the month...
Best regards
As I see the buckle on your medal...notice that the star on the portuguese VM isn't attached to the buckle it is separate from it yours is not the 2 stars are attach to the buckle...another reason for me to believe that this buckle doesnt belong to this medal...and most probably to the military medal of brazil (?)
Best regards
the medal it self seems good...but as I sayed before the buckle with those 2 stars thosen fit rigth...never seen one with that kind of buckle...looks like the brazilian one i mencioned
Yes... that's because that ribbon is not the original one...the buckle is of portuguese model but the ribbon is of the same colours as would be the original but the dimensions are not (is of a french medal), is a replacement ribbon in this case...
That horn is from the spanish post the old symbol of the spanish postages or correos de espana, probably from a mail delivery uniform of the republic era...
As you can see many and diferent are they but only one thing is the same, the use of a buckle...the meaning of wearing it I believe is only decorative.
Your other question about the meaning of the star on the buckle of the VM I thing is because it was awarded to an oficial for regular soldiers there is none...
And your buckle with 2 stars never seen one like it, and I believe it can only be an adaptation...probably from this brazilian one:
Best regards
Ah,Ah,Ah...Hey genuine portuguese VM dont grow at trees here!!!!! .If you have lucky maybe in some of the flee market arround and in Lisbon...There are some flee market, but the main one is feira da Ladra...but if you go there (this is a tip) go very early in the morning so you may find some good pieces but as I sayed it is a lucky gess...I do know a portuguese medal dealer that sells genuine portuguese military medals and in fact even at this moment he as a portuguese VM on sale on e-bay. Once in a while I buy him some medals...
Best regards
Thanks a lot...I was worry that it would be a fake...this week I will go to the Buttuller house to see if they ever sold this version (just to corroborate your teory) I live in Lisbon and I know that store of medals in Lisbon downtown...
And by the way...this is a picture of another Portuguese victory medal that I have side by side with other medals that belonged to a portuguese officer during the 1º WW
Only the medal it self...
Hi there
I am a new member in the forum, and I would like your opinion to this MV that Became in my possession in these days...I am not so sure that this is a real Portuguese VM or a variation? a fake?...can anybody help me? is the ribbon genuine, the suspension does not look like the normal version, and the ring also doesnt look like the normal one...any help ???
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