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    Old Contemptible
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    Everything posted by Megan

    1. Սուրբ Մեսրոպ Մաշտոցի շքանշան Instituted 26 July 1993 and awarded for outstanding achievements in economic development, science, culture, education, health, etc., and promoting international collaboration in such areas. [Picture credit: President of Armenia]
    2. Պատվո շքանշան Instituted 6 July 2000 and awarded for services to the Republic of Armenia, strengthening international relations and supporting democracy. Despite its appearance it's not worn on a sash, it is worn around the neck with the ribbon tails hanging down the recipient's chest! [Picture credit: President of Armenia]
    3. Մարտական խաչ շքանշան Instituted 22 April 1994 and awarded for courage and self-sacrifice in the defence of the Republic in 2 classes. Ist Class: 2nd Class: [Picture credit: President of Armenia]
    4. Հայաստանի ազգային հերոս Instituted 22 April 1994, and awarded to those awarded the title 'National Hero of Armenia' and for exceptional services to the Republic of Armenia. It's worn on the left breast. [Picture credit: President of Armenia]
    5. Szocialista Munka Höse cím Arany Csillaga Instituted 1953. [Picture credit: Ed Haynes]
    6. Magyar Népköztársaság Höse cím Arany Csillaga Instituted 1979, but rarely awarded. [Picture credit: San Giorgio Aste]
    7. Medaille für ausgezeichnete Leistungen Instituted in 1951 and awarded fFor excellence in administration within the workplace. This is the 4th Type, awarded 1960-1969. [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    8. Medaille für hervorragende Leistungen in der Bewegung Messen der Meister von Morgen Instituted 14 April 1969, and awarded to young people for outstanding creative achievements in the scientific, technical and economic fields. [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    9. The sad thing is, often it is the most reprehensible regimes - past and present - which have the nicest medals! Even if you wouldn't want to live there, let alone behave in a manner that would earn you any of them. I'm not offended in the slightest, just that I feel it's better to keep political commentary separate from a purely phaleristic study. Else I run the risk of offending someone whose ethical standpoint is different from mine! If I express no political opinion at all I can at least say that every nation, every regime is treated exactly the same. Consider the rather sad comments so many sites feel they need to put about not supporting the views of the Third Reich - whilst displaying material from other regimes that may be equally distasteful in their policies or treatment of their citizens. And in other news, I'm off to post the next East German medal to hit my site!
    10. Just so, but if I only posted medals I approved of, or which were/are awarded by regimes I approve of, my website would be sparse indeed!
    11. Medaille für ausgezeichnete Leistungen im Wettbewerb Instituted 1 November 1953, and awarded for excellent performance and surpassing targets. Before 1964, the award consisted of a pin-backed badge of which there was a great number for different industries and areas of endevour. In 1964 a single medal was devised and awarded irrespective of trade. And here it is: [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    12. Nice. Here's the Knight class of the Kingdom equivalent: - [Picture credit: Emmanuel Halleux]
    13. Medaille für Verdienste in der Volkskontrolle der DDR Originally instituted in 1973 as a 'Badge of Honour,' becoming a Medal in 1973, it was then revised into 3 classes (Gold, Silver & Bronze) on 9 September 1987. It was awarded for exemplary work and consistent outstanding performance in the further development and improvement of public control of the GDR. This is the 1973-87 Medal: [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
    14. Does this mean that there are THREE types, rather than two? As in: - #1: Metal/enamel suspension with stripes on. #2: Plain metal/enamel suspension. #3: Cloth-covered suspension. Had noticed while researching that some of the metal/enamel ones had stripes & some not, but nobody (mostly sales sites) had dated them. Anyone know the dates? And, lovely pictures, Kevin. Thank you very much :)
    15. Very nice, Kevin, thank you for sharing. Any chance you'd be prepared to let me use the pictures on my site? (Especially the reverse...)
    16. 2nd Type, Bronze Medal: [Picture credits: Ed Haynes, Greg Collins & Taz]
    17. Artur-Becker-Medaille Instituted in 1960 and awarded to members of the FDJ for exemplary service. It was the organisation's highest award, and came in 3 classes (Gold, Silver and Bronze). Like many such awards, it came in 2 types: the first with a metal/enamel suspension, the second with a cloth-covered one. 1st Type, Gold Medal:
    18. 2nd Type, Silver Medal: [Picture credits: Greg Collins & Wikipedia Commons]
    19. Ernst-Schneller-Medaille Instituted 1961 and awarded to members of the GST (Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik - Society for Sport and Technology) for exemplary service. It was the organisation's highest award, and came in 3 classes (Gold, Silver and Bronze). Like many such awards, it's found in 2 types - the first suspended from a metal/enamel bar and the second from a cloth-covered one. Sorry, not many pictures this time! 1st Type, Bronze Medal:
    20. The full-time ones do. These awards were for part-timers, 'volunteers' (mostly paid but not their day job), and also people living in border areas who participated in sort of neighbourhood watch type activities, keeping an eye on things.
    21. Ehrentitel Aktivist der Fünfjahrplanes Unfortunately I don't know much about this one! [Picture credit: Greg Collins]
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