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    Everything posted by Jason

    1. side - I have a feeling the paint on the cockade has been fiddled with, perhaps an attempt to touch it up?
    2. Hello gents I've put a holding deposit on this helmet, and took some pics today. I've referred to the Kaisers Bunker website and everything looks pretty good, but as I have zero experience with these perhaps someone more knowledgable could offer some opinions. Thanks! Jason
    3. Morning everyone a quick pic of the back before I head off to the coal face for the day Red backing! cheers Jason
    4. Evening Gents I've had this bar for around 20 years, but thanks to Stogieman, I picked up a matching ribbon bar for it. Makes a handsome couple I think..... cheers Jason
    5. Mornin' gents This one arrived yesterday. The search is on for an 1866 cross now to complete it. But searching is part of the fun eh? cheers Jason
    6. Good morning gentlemen, These little beauties arrived last week, courtesy of Rick V. Little pieces like this really appeal to me, especially since I'm pretty well over groups with EK2s! The bow has just about finished my pre-1900 collection, just need a mounted 1866 campaign medal and a couple more Prussian long service spange. cheers Jason
    7. Thanks David, the only problem for me with the group is its condition....pretty much worn out! Still it would be a nice one to pick up for the "variation" appeal. cheers Jason
    8. Gents I stopped into a dealer's shop on the way to the railway station this afternoon, he has a 3 place bar with a gold Saxon FAM. Am I correct in assuming these were private purchase versions of bronze medals? cheers Jason
    9. Thanks for the nice comments gentlemen. At the time I only bought it because I wanted at least one example of an Imperial lid, German or Austrian it didn't really matter! I suppose I should tell you how much it set me back.....all of $450AU. Thanks for the advice on the "A" stamp Tony, I had a feeling it may have been a batch number of some kind. There's also a very faint square ink stamp inside the apron, and another faint size stamp which I think is 64. I heard somewhere that the majority of these helmets were dumped after the war, can anyone confirm this? Come on Dan....don't keep us in suspense! Show us your camo!! cheers Jason
    10. Thanks Mike! The fellow I picked it up from specialized in headgear, mainly helmets and peaked caps, and was quite the expert before he sold the lot, so I'm pretty happy its original, however a second opinion never hurts. I'll have one of the other helmet guys down here have a closer look at it. cheers Jason
    11. Thanks Mike. I was offered a nice M-18 single decal at the same time for less money than this one, but passed on it! In your opinion what do you think this one may be worth? cheers Jason
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