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    Posts posted by Pylon1357

    1. There have been a few comments on the appearance of the Bomber Command Clasp. As usual, I am in disagreement in regards to the looks and design of the clasp. If it were to follow the British example, it would look silly as it goes on the CVSM. Not a Star like the British Design.

      I would have liked tto have seen something in lines of the DIEPPE Clasp with the words BOMBER COMMAND and a silhouetted bomber above. (in the spirit of the Dieppe Clasp)

    2. I suspect Royal Rifles of Canada

      As I have many of my own men to research, I cannot spend much time on this one. However, I suspect this is your man here. The Royal Rifles of Canada were a Quebec Regt, so this man may well be who you are looking for.


    3. Dave, I would not dismiss the Golden Jubilee medal out of hand. From the photos provided, it looks good. But it could be a very good tailors copy as well. Having said that, I would want better photos before I would commit one way or the other.

      As for the para badge, not my area so much. It looks ok to me, but I am far from an expert on these. The eagle? not a clue. It appears to me that it could be off the top of a presentation piece or some such, as it appears to have a screw post coming off the bottom of it so when its mounted it resembles flight?.

    4. There are some rather high quality Tailor Copies of the Golden Jubilee Medal. Based on these supplied photos, I would not free comfortable answering either way. These darn jubilees are a tough thing to photograph.

      I had a Canadian issued one but let it go to a buddy who lost his medals and needed replacements rather quickly. He tried to return them, ( the jubilee and other medals that represented his entitlement) but I refused. He is a 93 year old WWII veteran, who is, even to this day, a very hard working gentleman.

    5. Certainly this is NOT my cup of tea. However, I see nothing wrong with the idea. I assume the sock came with provenance. If it is as stated in the article, I am not surprised at all with the final price.

      I have bought a few 'off the wall' items for what could be called silly money. Just ask my wife, she will tell you. LOL I was in the running for a piece of toast that had the likeness of Jesus in it. I dropped out of the running when someone said it appeared to be more like osama bin ladin.

    6. Alex, I agree 100%. I am very curious as the one you posted, was posted under the assumption it is a copy. How close to the authentic issued Star IS the question. From what I see, I would think pretty close as I honestly see nothing (when put up against my knowledge of Stars) to call the one you posted a copy.

      I have seen one other copy posted elsewhere. It was also apparently a copy, out of Birmingham? It had the 'sheering marks', something most copies lack.

    7. I hear what you are saying in regards to the larger,un-solderer suspension ring. However it is my understanding (I will have to look it up for verification) that this is also typical of the later produced Stars, ie, 70's 80's.

      Further, it is my understanding the Arctic Star originals are produced at the Royal Mint. Any example produced elsewhere is a copy. I do not have a known original I wonder if contacting the Royal Mint would be an option?

    8. Just for interest, there appears to be a dearth of "Official replacement" Arctic stars on the market at this time, (Official replacements, they've only just started giving them out!!), these appear at first glance to be quite good, and are die struck, so with my 12GBP, incl p&P I bought one complete with miniature, and compared with a known genuine example of an ACE in my collection, what do people think?

      To me there are two giveaways

      Interesting. I would however like to see a side by side comparison between an "Issued" and an "Official Replacement" examples of the Arctic Star. The things that jumped out at me in this comparison was the rounded letters of the cipher on the Arctic Star and the thickness of the Area at the top where the suspension loop goes through.

      These two differences could simply be due to the fact the Arctic Star was produced some 60 plus years after the ACE.

    9. I am primarily a medals collector. I mainly collect to Canadians in the C.E.F. along with any named medals to the Irish Regiment of Canada. I have been actively collecting medals for just over 30 years.

      I must admit I do like your formula, but would likely never pay that much for a grouping. Up until now I could say the same for a single Gallantry medal, however, I am working on paying off a DCM that I simply had to have for a partial re-unite.

      My thoughts on my collection are pretty simple, I have what I have and see no plans for disposing of my collection therefore value is a moot point for me. As to new additions, simply put, if it is cheap and it appeals to me, I take a run at it.

      I purchased one WWI pair to a CEF member, solely because of the answer he gave on his attestation Papers on the question "Are You Married?" his answer yes no (about to be). Based on this reply, the pair appealed to me and it was quite inexpensive as a basic pair.

    10. YES I believe you are in fact correct. There is a UK version, a Caribbean version, as as usual we Canadians have our own variant Which is must say is the most pleasing to the eye. IMO.

      The Caribbean issue obverse says Caribbean Realms around the top near the claw, has the Queens Cipher surmounted by the crown, and the dates 1952-2012 around the bottom. The reverse of this issue is the same as the UK Version.

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