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    Brian Wolfe

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    Posts posted by Brian Wolfe

    1. Good eye Chris.

      I had searched the internet using every machine gun name I could think of with no luck.

      I checked your suggestion out and there is a wealth of information about this weapon, the Schwarzlos M.07/12, which in this case seems to have been fitted with the anti-aircraft shoulder stock. I guess if the uniforms in the photo are Luftwaffen this would make perfect sense.

      Thanks for your help.



    2. Hello Everyone,

      Here's another photo I just bought. It looks like a shot of a training exercise for members of the Luftwaffen, going by the uniforms. You can see the soldiers awaiting their turn sitting on the wall above what I would think are the instructors. I've been looking on the internet for a photo of the machine gun they are using and the closest I can get to it is the Maximum. What do the members think?

      Any information regarding the uniforms, unit etc would also be greatly appreciated.



    3. Hello everyone,

      While on yet another collecting sufari I purcased three photos depicting machine guns.

      This first one seems to be a machine gun crew participating in some sort of exercise. In the background of the photo there are several unifomed people standing around so I think this is some sort of training exercise. I believe the gun is the MG34 but I would like some conformation from more knowledgable members.

      Any help with the identification of the gun's crew such as unit etc. would be greatly appreciated as well.



    4. Hello Everyone,

      I purchased this pin that has the flags of the Soviet Union and India as a hanger and both Russian and Hindi on the "medal". I researched into the history of Indian and Soviet relations and found that in August of 1971 they signed a treat called the "Indo-Soviet Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Cooperation" declaring they would not participate in any activity harming the intertests of the other.

      A good friend and fellow collector in India translated the two words on the outer rim as "Peace" and "Friendship" but was unable to translate the Hindin word to the right of the hammer and sickle. I am thinking that it just might be "cooperation", if anyone could translate this word and I need the Russian translated as well it would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking that the Russian will be close to the Hindi. What do the members think about this pin? I am assuming it is not a fantasy item as it seems like a lot of work for something that didn't cost much. Do the members think this could be to commemorate the Treaty of 1971?

      If so then it is a nice piece of political history that bridges my India and Russian collections.

      Thanks for any assistance you can extend to me.



    5. A really nice piece!! Great find. Would the rest of the mortar be legal in Canada, too? :beer:


      No, Canadian law would not allow me to own a mortar (probably a good thing for my neighbours). :rolleyes:

      However, most of the prohibited weapons listed under Canadian law are allowed if they are legally deactivate but I'm not sure about a mortar.

      Cheers :beer:


    6. In this final photo of the set you can see the actual sighting area. Above the section with the line and a "V" sight there is a glass section in which there is a stripe that seems to allow some light through making the "line" in this section seem to glow like it was lit. I have no idea what the function of this section of the sight is, so if someone knows what this is for please let me know.



    7. Hello Everyone,

      Today I attended a small show, that was geared to the military vehicle restoration crowd, in search of a missing part to my wireless set no. 19. I had no luck on the ws 19 front but on the way out I spotted a small metal box on one of the tables. For some reason I liked it and since this one had a very low price on the tag I picked it up. When I opened the box there was an M4 sight in great shape and dated 1941. It is for the U.S. 60mm M2 Mortar.

      I was really happy to have picked it up for what was a great price...now for the mortar to go with it.... :rolleyes:



    8. :Cat-Scratch: I've got to say for some "random" photos you've managed to acquire some of the most peculiarly INTERESTING units I've seen-- and I do hunt through these not only for faces and awards but for WEIRD unit stamps.

      Second elderly Captain has been named above, and stated as Capatain of Administrative Services-- so his device is a hammer and sickle with a red enamel star between the head of the hammer and the inside tip of the sickle. He's got wider boards since his portrait was taken on 10 May 1951 after the thin ones were dropped-- and this was attested on 24 January 1956. You don't often find notation of such specific widely separated dates between taken and stamped.

      And that stamp is one of THE weirdest I've ever seen--

      8th Aviation Repairs/Maintenance RAILWAYS Workshop.


      Flying trains! :speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1::speechless1:

      Many thanks Rick,

      These photos are more "random" than you imagine. A local antiques mall is closing its doors for good due to a shopping mall being built on the site (after demolition that is). The dealer/collector who has this particular booth is getting rid of some items at very low prices so I purchased these three. I had no idea I would be getting such interesting photos.



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